Chapter 4

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Tidepaw woke up early but pretended to still be asleep. She was afraid of the stares and lectures she knew she would get once she stepped outside the den.

It wasn't the first time she'd faked being asleep; she'd been doing it for moons. No one ever seemed to realize she was faking, although she was constantly worried that someone would and she would get yelled at, especially now that she was an apprentice and she had actual duties.

That thought only made her anxiety worse and she twitched. She purposely twitched a few more times in case anyone was watching.

She felt Gravelpaw stirring. He stood up carefully, as though trying not to wake her. So she was surprised when he whispered into her ear, "Stop pretending you're asleep. No one's gonna be mad at you."

Her eyes flew open and she stared up into the amused face of her brother. He looked like he was trying hard to swallow his purrs.

"You knew? How?"

"I've known since that day you snuck into the leader's den with me and we messed up Sandstar's nest. You wouldn't wake up the next day, and Moraytooth assumed you were just really tired. But I stayed and watched you. You'd open your eyes from time to time. Then you finally got up and stretched and yawned and played it up way to much. Ever since then, I've figured that when you're sleeping really late or after something like last night happens, you decide to pretend you're still asleep. I guess because you don't want to do the day, right?"

Tidepaw nodded, eyes down on the den floor.

"Don't be ashamed of it. I'm sure you're not the first to do it, and I doubt you'll be the last."

Tidepaw hesitantly crept out of the den. She could see Sandstar talking to Dunemist. She froze.

Oh no! He's telling her he made a mistake! I shouldn't be an apprentice! Or maybe she's telling him she doesn't want me anymore?!? She wailed in her mind as she gazed at the two of them. Sandstar saw her watching and flicked his tail, beckoning her over.

She slinked over, head low.

"I'm sorry," she breathed out when she reached them.

Sandstar cut her off with another flick of his tail. "Don't apologize for nearly killing yourself over a situation I should've been able to see and realize. I should apologize to you."

Tidepaw cast a puzzled glance between the two of them. "What do you mean?"

Sandstar sighed. "Dumemist has been telling me some of the stories of your training. How you aren't fond of hunting where the seabirds nest or being with all the other apprentices. She also told me that there are times you get overwhelmed by certain parts of training, like when she tries to explain battle moves to you."

Tidepaw was confused. What did any of this have to do with last night?

"What I'm trying to say, is that I'm sorry I didn't realize this sooner. That you get overwhelmed in loud or new situations. I'm sorry for putting you in a position that was both. From now on, I'll ask if you feel up for going to a Gathering, alright?"

Tidepaw couldn't believe it. Was this really happening? "Yeah, okay. Thank you, Sandstar," she gasped. He purred at her reaction and brushed her shoulder with his tail.

"Go on along with Dunemist now. She's been waiting for you to wake up so she can show you something."

(A/N) Sorry it's such a short chapter! And what is Dunemist going to show Tidepaw?????? Tune in next Wednesday for the answer!!!

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