Feelings Part 4

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I-I don't know what say! Man she is gonna make me hard now, I just hope nothing bad happens.

We were doing the choreo nicely, and I don't think she noticed anything, I just hope she didn't notice anything.

The whole time, we had to be really touchy. We had to hug each other, I had to touch her kinda whole body a lot of time, we had to make eye contacts a lot of times too and it was really awkward 

Teacher: ok guys that's it for today. I will show you the rest tomorrow 

Y/n and Kai: ok

We bowed and he left

Y/n was sitting in the couch and she looked really tired. And I went to her and sat next to her

Y/n: are you tired?

Kai: yeah kinda, are you tired?

Y/n: yeah, I'm probably gonna go to sleep when i go back home

Kai: when you going home?

Y/n: well they said that the driver is coming so I have to wait

Kai: you want me to drop you off, my car is with me

Y/n: you sure?

Kai: yeah I always pass by your dorm so it's fine

Y/n: ok

Kai: hey look at them, I think three of the are dating

Y/n: let's ask them

Kai: yeah 

I called them to come 

Kai: hey guys come here please

They all came

Y/n: it might sound weird but are you guys dating?

Wooyoung: no it's doesn't sounds wierd at all, and yeah we guys are dating I mean, me and Yuri, Lee know and Choa and Jacob and Ellie.

Y/n: well I am telling you, you guys are really cute as couples 

Kai: yeah I was gonna say that too, we have been noticing that and you guys are really cute

Lee know: thank you sir, thank you ma'am 

Kai: don't call me sir. Just call me Kai

Y/n: don't call me ma'am too, just call me by my name or I feel old

They laughed and so did I 

Jacob: it's a really great honour to get a compliment from an idol

Choa: I just quickly wanna ask you guys, it might also sound wierd but are you guys are also dating?

Why did she had to ask that?

Y/n: umm no, we are not dating, we are just good friends 

Choa: oh sorry I was just really curious about that

Back to y/n's P.O.V

 why did she ask that, it's gonna be pretty awkward between us now

Kai: ok y/n let's go now, it's getting late

Y/n: yeah let's go, we will see you guys tomorrow 

I got up and took my bag

Kai: bye guys

All: Byee

Y/n: Byee

We left 

We were in the car, Kai was driving and I was sitting in the front with him too. And that's when he got a phone call from Xiumin

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