Feelings Part 10

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It  took me so long to realise that I was still wearing his hoodie, I'm so stupid. Why did I had that dream? And I was enjoying it until he started taking off my clothes. Why was Kai doing this to me? It doesn't makes sense to me at all? Ughhhhh 

I have like thousands of questions running through my head

Kai: y/n are you listening?

Y/n: huh umm what did you say?

Kai: what are you thinking?

Y/n: nothing, don't worry. What did you ask me?

Kai: what did you see in your dream?

Y/n: It's just something I can't tell anyone? And specially you

Kai: is it something about me?

Y/n: well

Kai: so that means it is something about me, did I try to rape you or somethings? Is that why you started crying?

Does he reads mind or something. Sorry Kai I have to lie to you

Y/n: no no no, it's something else. Just don't worry about it

Kai: umm If you say so

And that's when our food arrived

Waiter: enjoy

Kai and y/n: thank you

We ate and talked about our performance and much more stuff.

Kai's P.O.V.

So it is official that I like someone and that person is.......... Is y/n. So I do like her. I just can't explain how I fell for her. I just love her so much sometimes that I just stare at her for literally no reason 

Y/n: is there anything on my face?

Kai: uh no

Y/n: then why are you staring at me?

Kai: no I wasn't 

Y/n: then what were you Looking at?

Kai: something, ok we should probably go now it's almost like 1

Y/n: yeah, you're probably very tired

Kai: well surprisingly I'm actually. Ok we should go before I fall asleep here

She just laughed at me. Her smile just makes me happy all the time

 Y/n: ok let's go

We went to my car and yes I'm dropping her off. All the way home we were just talking about random stuff. She is very funny. She can make joke with everything.

Kai: ok we are here

Y/n: ok I'll see you tomorrow then 

Kai: yup, see you tomorrow. Bye

Y/n: bye

Time skip next day

it was lunch time and I was trying to make a tik tok, I have never made one before so I was trying to make one but the thing was I didn't know how to make one

Y/n: tsk tsk tsk, very disappointing 

Kai: huh?

Y/n: you know how to make a tik tok?

Kai: n-no haha

Y/n: come I will teach you

Looks like we got the professional tik toker 

She set my phone 

Y/n: do you know any tik tok dance?

Kai: nah

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