Hidden Person

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There is so much hidden in a person

Some more complex than others

He was one most could not crack

As you get to a point where you thought you knew everything about him

He will do something different, say something unexpected

And your whole idea of knowing everything about him crumples.

You say he's an introvert

In reality, he enjoys his time alone but put him in a social situation and you'll see someone you've never met.

You say he's an indoor person

In reality, he loves lying on the deck of a boat, feeling the breeze under the hot sun.

He loves nature, the tranquillity he feels when he leaves the world behind.

He is many contradicting things all out in one.

A kind, caring, wonderful person, you see can turn into a cold-hearted, shockingly evil, emotionless monster that is consumed by joy insight of your suffering.

But he has the amazing compassion and empathy so strong that he will help his enemies when they need it, even when their own friends abandon them.

He knows the pain of life so he takes care of people to let them live without worry, while the burden of life pushes him into his grave.

Holding the ability to manipulate a person with a single smile, his kindness becomes a weakness.

The complex mind of his

One no one can understand

Yet so many tried to crack it

Few have gotten close but without the time and the correct situations.

You will never be able to see who he is as a whole

He is an onion

Many layers

Hidden from everyone

Not because he hides it, but because it just does not come out in any situation.

He is complex like none other.

For he cannot be cracked by anyone while he cracks into other people's minds.

Written In The SoulWhere stories live. Discover now