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What is that?
Why do I crave for it
Yet don't seek for it
Looking for it
Yet not wanting to get it
But I do
Don't I?
My mind runs through the love stories
The love simulation
But when I look back
There has been barely any real love
All around me
Couples full of affection
But have I felt it?
No, not much at least
I can't find a real love
One I know will last
I can't find a lover
One who will love me
One who I will love
I'm picky
Very picky
Can't date someone without loving them
I can't and will not
Give a heartbreak that could have been prevented
How do people stay in loveless relationships?
I don't know
But it's not for me and I can't fake it.
I want it
But I don't
I'm lonely
I know
But fake love
I won't have it
I dream of those out of my reach
Fall for those who don't know I exist
Heart gone
By people I see online
Why is my heart loyal to them?
I can't tell.
Love is confusing
And I'll just procrastinate the confusion for another time
For now, I'll live in the loneliness
And crush on the famous.

Written In The SoulWhere stories live. Discover now