Away Again

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Again and again

I go

One more time

I go

To another land

I go

Leaving all I love behind

I have no roots to be found

No solid ground to call home

While others admire how often I've moved

The missed all that I left behind

Faces of childhood friends I don't remember

Schools from which I never graduate from

The place I called home no more.

Once again away I go

Once again roots uplifted

The longest school I stayed in was for  years

My best friends lost, seen once every year or two or never

Lucky they say

I just nod along.

Never stayed in one place

Always moving away

Home turned into the place that I sleep at night

Pictures, my only form of seeing some faces again

Living with some memories again

 Because the people in them, I'll probably never see again

I'm tired of moving but I can't stop

It's in my nature to want to find a new place

A new start with the same ending

I can't escape it now

But in 10 years time

I hope to find a home

To build a foundation

To lay my roots

Somewhere that I will stay for longer than just 4 years.

I thought it would be here, South Africa

But faith is funny in that way

For my roots been uplifted

And in the end,

Once again



Written In The SoulWhere stories live. Discover now