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So many people around me
So much to do
I want to go out
Yet I don't
I could careless for these things
Why make friends when I'll leave soon?
I'm gone soon anyways
So why do I feel so empty?
I want time to move faster
Even though I know when I go
It may stay the same still
I want to reinvent myself
Yet no plans made
I want to live a new life
Yet I don't know which one
So much I want to do
Yet I don't start anywhere
My imaginary world
I want to reach it
But I have no plans for it
No motivation for it
For I know it is the imaginary
Should I go out, make friends?
When I'm gone in 3 months
Should I be active
When I have no motivation for it
I hope
When I go
I'll change
I'll be better
I'll live life
Truly live life
And not just

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