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Louis had closed his eyes in the meantime, heard a slight rumbling and a "Shit!", opened his eyes and watched Harry catch something and putting it back on the shelf in the bathroom. He had to laugh, rolled his eyes.

"Don't take the whole bathroom apart"

"Nothing happened, I just got stuck", the other man mumbled and checked if he had put everything as before, then came back to the bed. Louis watched him with lazy eyes, still not moving.

"It's alright, I just was surprised that something clumsy happened to you"

Harry pouted and sat down next to Louis' hip, but bent over him when he used the towel to clean Louis. Louis hummed gratefully and watched him do it. Harry looked so pretty, covered with hickeys, tousled hair and physically exhausted. At the touch of the little hand on his chest as it stroked over the butterfly, Harry looked up at Louis' face. At first Louis had looked at the spot touched by his hand, but then he looked into those green eyes. Immediately they both had to smile softly and probably thought the same thing, but didn't say it. They would never have been able to sleep relaxed without this. Never would they have been as relaxed for a second as they were now. Because even if they thought about tomorrow, they had forgotten it for a short moment before. And now they were too tired to stress themselves.

"Look, even the athlete Harry Styles has a few rolls when he sits", Louis noticed then, pinching the skin that was wrinkling when Harry sat. Immediately Harry stretched his back and Louis laughed.

"Your body's hot anyway, Harry. With or without tummy"

"Hmm, I like yours with tummy better"

Harry leaned over his face and drummed his fingers over Louis' tummy.

"Oh really?", Louis chuckled and Harry nodded, kissed him, hand still on his tummy.

"It's hot", the taller one whispered between the kisses and at that moment Louis' stomach growled. Louis groaned annoyed and looked up at the ceiling. Harry laughed.

"Do you know how happy I am to finally be hungry again?! I haven't eaten since yesterday because I just wasn't able to"

"Well, maybe you just needed some physical effort?"

"Yes, the training earlier was really exhausting", Louis grinned and Harry rolled his eyes.

"You should definitely eat something, though. Maybe not something that greasy, but something light, so that -"

"I want pizza", Harry got interrupted. At first, he was silent in surprise, shrugged his shoulders when Louis sat up, determined to do so.

"Okay, or that"

Louis grinned and Harry stroked his hip.

"How can you order pizza here?", he asked curiously and Louis frowned a little.

"Oh, no, I'm not ordering. I never have, I'll just have one made here"

Harry also frowned now.

"You've never ordered a pizza before"

Thoughtfully the smaller one shrugged his shoulders.

"No, why should I?"

"Because... I don't know. And besides, we're in Italy, there must be some good pizza to order somewhere"

Louis just kept quiet then, had never thought about it.

"We'll order", Harry decided, for what Louis raised an eyebrow, which made the curly man sigh.


Now Louis grinned with satisfaction, spoke into his bracelet.

"Liam, do you see any way I can order a pizza?"

Boss Bitch || Mafia!Larry || 1 ||Where stories live. Discover now