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Louis at first didn't react, then opened his eyes. He blinked when he saw how Harrys eyes had changed, on the one hand frightened at Louis' reaction, on the other hand turning darker just at the thought.

"Oh", Louis just said surprised and Harry cursed quietly, sat up with a deep blush.

"I, sorry, uhm... this is stupid"

Louis didn't answer immediately, just looked at the wall. He hadn't imagined that Harry was into that, that this was even a possibility. Because he had never really thought about it himself. He never had had sex with someone that was into that or wanted to try it, neither had he wanted to try it before. He looked behind at Harry, felt sorry when he saw how embarrassed he was. He looked so cute, all embarrassed and cuddly and pouty.

"Hey, Harry"

He had to laugh a bit, put his hand on his arm to guide him back to him. Harry obliged, but was still quiet and unsure.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, okay? Everyone's different just like I said. And nobody can judge you for that, I mean it's not even that strange, I think many people are into that or wanna try it. I just was surprised, that's all. And I just..."

He stopped, decided to kiss Harry first to make sure he loosened up again, maybe that would help a bit, before Harry would faint of embarrassment. But the kiss didn't just made Harry loosen up a bit. It made Louis frown, because when he felt Harrys tongue touching his own, he... had thoughts he had never had before. Thoughts about Harrys tongue; remembered how it had felt on his inner thighs, how he had thought how good it had felt to have this tongue on the sensitive area of his body, wondered how it would feel on his even more sensitive area, how it would feel licking over his hole, before pushing it in.

Louis shuddered and broke the kiss, had to take a deep breath. Not only because of the kiss. He opened his eyes.


Harry opened his eyes, looked in his now determinate ones.

"Let's try it"

His eyes widened a bit, before he checked his face in disbelieve.

"Wait, you... really?!"

Louis nodded and had to smile a bit.

"Never thought about it, but... why not? Doesn't hurt to try"

Harrys mouth fell a bit open, but when he seemed to notice what that meant he began to grin wide in excitement. Louis laughed, kissed him.

"Tell me", Harry just had to say and Louis nodded, then let Harry go, let his face fall on the pillow again. Harry began to kiss his way down to his ass.

"I will. Can't promise you that I like it, though. As I said I never thought about it. But why not, you want to know how it's like and now I'm curious, too"

"Oh, it's not my first time", Harry answered and Louis' eyes snapped open, his head flew back.

"Wait, what?"

Harry just grinned innocently and quite shy, shrugged his shoulders.

"I've done it before; kinda love it. I just couldn't help my thoughts when I saw your bum"

Louis was quiet, stunned at that.

"You... you thought about it when you saw my ass?"

"The first second I saw it", Harry said softly as if he said something romantic. Louis' mouth opened then closed. He was speechless.

"That's... a strange addiction you have there, Styles", he then said as if it wasn't a big deal for Louis and put his face back on the pillows again. Harry hummed, laid his hands softly on his ass.

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