Untitled Part 2

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Tommy and Felicity sat on the couch, the bottle of vodka half empty between them, sharing a carton of cookie dough ice cream. Felicity had known Tommy since they were kids, and even though school and life had taken them in different directions they had always kept in touch. Now that they were both back in Star City, they made sure to see each other at least once a week. Tommy was dating a young lady by the name of Sara Lance, and she and Felicity had become close as well.

"So, your meeting your new bodyguard tomorrow?", Tommy said taking a bite of ice cream.

Felicity groaned, "Yes. I don't need a babysitter you know, but John was insistant."

Tommy laughed. "Well what did you expect? Come on Lis, someone tried to shoot you.............in your own company...........while you were in a meeting.", he said trying to get a point across. "It wouldn't hurt to have some extra protection around. And as much as I know you want my muscular bod there, I have a job already my friend.", he teased.

Felicity couldn't help but laugh. He always made her laugh.

"I am going to give it a shot, but so help me Tommy if this guy interferes with my work, I won't be responsible for what I will do to his credit score.", she said half-seriously.

The next morning Felicity woke up already aggravated. She really was not looking forward to this meeting with John and his "friend", but she was going to be civil for Johns sake. Jumping in the shower, Felicity washed and dried her hair, before standing in her closet trying to figure out what to wear. She didn't have any meetings today, so she opted on a simple knee length sleeveless pink dress and her favorite black pumps. Throwing her hair into a ponytail, she put on minimal make-up, but added her favorite bright pink lipstick. It always made her smile.

She decided to get coffee at the corner shop, and grabbed her tablet, phone and purse and headed out the door. Parking in her parking spot, Felicity hurried through the lobby and across the street to her favorite coffee shop, "Perk Me Up". She placed her order and immediately opened her email on her phone to see if anything pressing was needed this morning. She was not sure what time John and his friend would arrive, and luckily nothing was on her calendar. Felicity heard her name called, and grabbing her coffee turned to head out the door when she bumped into someone. Luckily her coffee had a lid on it, but with her already being aggravated about her day, this did not help any. She glared up at the person, briefly taking in blue eyes and perfect lips that were set in a grimace. The man was tall, and she had to look up, way up.

"Is personal space no longer a thing?", she grumbled.

She saw his eyebrow quirk and his lips tighten as she tried to move around him. "Excuse me!", she said a little too bitchy. She normally was much more considerate but too much was on her mind.

"Well since you were standing in "my space" for a good 10 seconds, I would answer your question with a no.", he said, clearly irritated. He stepped around her and up to the counter.

Felicity hurried back to her office, putting her encounter with the rude stranger aside. As she hurried through the lobby, the security guard called her over. "Good Morning Miss Smoak. I just wanted to let you know that Mr. Diggle has already arrived and is waiting for you upstairs. Also, we will have workers here this afternoon to fix the glass in the conference room."

"Thanks James." She said before heading up the elevator.

As she stepped off she saw John standing at her assistant's desk talking and walked right past him and into her office.

"What no Good Morning John this morning Felicity?", he asked with a grin.

Felicity set her coffee and her things on her desk with a glare at John. "Good Morning John", she mumbled.

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