Untitled Part 9

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Oliver stood getting rid of the condom and tugged on his jeans before gently removing her shirt and bra from her wrists. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her. She could tell he was conflicted by the look in his eyes.

She looked so beautiful laying with her hair spread out over the pillow, her cheeks flushed and her body languid and satisfied. He gently stroked a hand down her cheek, and she grabbed his hand and smiled. It lit her whole face, and he sucked in a breath. She was breathtaking.

"So, if that is how we are going to spend our time locked in this apartment, I think I could get use to it.", she teased sitting up. Seeing his face, she took his hand. "Oliver, what is wrong? I can see your mind working overtime."

"Felicity, I don't regret what happened, but it should not have happened. I'm your body guard.", he said, rubbing his neck. HIs eyes looked haunted, as if remembering something.

"Oh no Oliver, I am not going to let you do that!", she said tugging the comforter up around her as she leaned toward him. "I am an adult and I knew exactly what we were doing."

Oliver gave her a tender smile, shaking away his thoughts. She was not Shado. She looked so fierce and adamant. "I feel like I should be saying yes ma'am.", he grinned.

"I might like the sound of that Mr. Queen.". she grinned and climbed onto his lap. But as Oliver kissed her, his phone buzzed. Removing it from his pants pocket he opened the text. It was from John.

"John is coming over. He has some news.", he said, closing his phone. Felicity sighed, placing her forehead on his shoulder, her arms around his neck. He gently rubbed her back. "You ok?"

"Yes. But it's not everyday you find out who might be trying to kill you." She tried to joke but it came out forced.

Oliver hugged her to him. "I'll be here with you Felicity." She leaned back and kissed him, but as it started to turn heated, he sat her from him. "Behave yourself Miss Smoak. We have to get dressed.", he admonished with no bite. "That will have to wait until later."

Felicity groaned and reached for her clothes, as Oliver grabbed his clothes and headed to his room.

Thirty minutes later the elevator monitors beeped and Oliver checked the image before sending down the elevator. John walked off a few minutes later, and they all sat in the living room. Oliver and Felicity sat on the couch, and John raised an eyebrow when he saw how close they were sitting. He didn't say a word.

"Felicity, do you know of a man by the name of Caden James?", John asked getting right to the point.

Felicity frowned. "Umm, yes, he was an employee of my company. We had to let him go last year because he was caught trying to steal some of our tech. Why?"

John looked at Oliver. "It seems our Mr. James purchased a Barrett M82A1 in .50 BMG, about six months ago. We have sent detectives to his place of residence."

"He seemed harmless. I mean how does he go from stealing tech to trying to kill me. I don't understand.". she said confused.

"Maybe he holds a grudge because you fired him? There have been attempted murders for a lot less.", John said.

"Do you think he his working alone?", Oliver asked.

"Well we are not sure. But the fact that two types of shell casings were found at the scene suggests he has a accomplice. Question is who? We have suspicions that it could be someone on the inside still working for the company. That would explain how they were able to get into the building both times."

"I have Detective Roy Harper looking into his background to see if there is anything suspicious. If I find out more, I will let you guys know.", he said standing up.

"So, does that mean we can get out today?", Felicity said hopefully. "I mean we are out of groceries, and I have a ton of errands to run....", she started babbling. John immediately cut her off.

"Grocery store yes, errands can wait Felicity." He walked over and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Until we catch this guy there is a bullseye on your head. Let Oliver do his job. Ok?" John gave her a hug and then walked over to the door.

"Can I talk to you for a minute Oliver?", he asked. Oliver walked over and John lowered his voice.

"What is happening man?", John asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Oliver knew what he was asking. He sighed.

"Look I am not going to get in your business, but we both know what can happen when lines are blurred.", John said. He placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder. "I saw what the situation with Shado did to you. I love you and Felicity both and I want you to be happy. Just be careful, ok?"

Oliver nodded, but could not say anything as memories of Shado filled his thoughts.

John pressed the elevator button and stepping on gave Oliver a nod before the doors closed.

Felicity stood from the couch. She needed to do something. Grabbing her purse and keys she looked at Oliver. "Time for some grocery shopping Oliver.", she said shaking her keys at him.

Oliver walked over and gently took her face in his hands. "Are you ok?"

Felicity nodded and closed her eyes, before opening them and looking at him. "I just want to continue the rest of the day as if it is normal, ok?", she said beseechingly.

"Ok Miss Smoak.", he grabbed the keys. "But I am driving."

They arrived at the store, and keeping her close to his side, they shopped picking up food, toiletries, and whatever else they needed. It felt almost domesticated, and Oliver had to try not to get too complacent. He made sure to scout the parking lot before they headed to and from the store, and he kept her close to him, his hand on her back at all times. Felicity did not mind at all. When they returned to her apartments, they moved to the kitchen to put up the groceries and the close proximity was affecting them both. Something about seeing big, bad-ass Oliver moving around the kitchen gave Felicity a warm fuzzy feeling, and she finally sat down on a bar stool, and placed her chin in her hand, staring unashamedly.

Oliver quirked an eyebrow at her as he saw her position.

She waved her hand at him, "Oh don't mind me. Just continue with what you were doing.", she said and placed her chin back in her hand with a lazy grin. She tilted her head to the side and stared at his ass as he bent down to place the sugar under the cabinet. A sigh escaped her lips. Straightening and closing the cabinet door he turned to her with a false glare.

"Ok, Miss Smoak. Are you enjoying the show?", he said stalking toward her.

"Oh yes. I was just admiring your form in the kitchen Mr. Queen.", she said and gave him a dead pan look.

"Wait until you see me cook Miss Smoak.", he said as he reached her and stepped between her knees. "I can do things with a pan and spatula that you have only imagined in your dreams.", he quipped.

Her breathing quickened as he leaned down and kissed along her neck. "Like....like what?", she asked and swallowed.

"Well blueberry pancakes for one.", he said as he sucked behind her ear. She shivered. "Making sure the pan is hot enough. You have to have the temperature just right. And you want to make sure your batter is wet, but not too wet." She moaned as his teeth tugged her earlobe. He was making her a hot mess.

"Uh hu...", she mumbled as her eyes half closed and her hands moved up into his hair.

"And the pancake needs to be firm before you flip it.", he said with a grin, as he tugged her hips forward, pressing his into her.

"How.....how firm?", she mumbled not sure what she was saying anymore.

For fuck's sake! The man was making her horny talking about freaking pancakes. Seriously?

"Very firm Miss Smoak. You don't want them to fall apart before they are ready.", he kissed back across her jaw and down her chest.

She was suddenly desperate for blueberry pancakes.

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