Untitled Part 4

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Felicity woke the next morning and for a split second she thought things were normal. Then she remembered she had an ex-CIA agent living with her. Things were far from normal. Jumping in the shower, Felicity brushed out her hair, leaving it falling around her shoulders, and pulling on her skirt and blouse and shoes, headed to the living room. Oliver was already up and dressed in his suit, and Felicity sighed as she sniffed the air. Coffee! He has made coffee!

"Good Morning Miss Smoak!", he said as he leaned against the counter sipping his coffee.

"Good Morning Mr. Queen!", she said trying to act non-chalant as she moved around him, grabbing a mug and then pouring her coffee. He stayed right where he was and watched with interest as she opened the fridge and put creamer in her coffee and then added two teaspoons of sugar.

"So I am going to ride in with you this morning.", he said as he drained his coffee and then set his cup in the sink.

Felicity finished her coffee in record time. "Well then let's go Mr. Queen.", she said as she grabbed her tablet, phone and purse. As they drove to the office Felicity went over her schedule with him. She had a meeting with her fabricators today at noon, so she wanted to make sure the floor was secure. Based on the last meeting she was a little nervous. They arrived at the office and Felicity threw some instructions at her assistant as she walked into her office. She decided the best way to calm her nerves was to get to work. An hour later, she heard a familiar voice in the outer lobby, and looking up she smiled widely. It was Tommy. He always stopped and flirted with Carol, even though she was old enough to be his mother, before he sauntered into her office. She saw him and Oliver size each other up as he walked over and gave her a big hug.

"So how is my girl doing today?", he asked with a smile.

"What are you doing here Tommy?", she asked trying to sound annoyed but failing. It was always so hard to be annoyed or mad at him.

He flopped down into the chair across from her and smiled. "So, Sara asked me to stop by and invite you to dinner tonight."

"I don't know Tommy, I.....", she started to say.

"Let me rephrase that. She told me to tell you that you are having dinner with us tonight, and you can't say no."

"Ok, fine.", she said.

"So how is the body guard thing going?", Tommy asked as he looked back at Oliver. Oliver was watching them closely.

"So far so good. Having someone, a man, staying at my house is little awkward.", she said.

"OMG, he has seen you in your panda pajamas hasn't he? Or maybe out of them?", Tommy wiggled his eyebrows laughing.


Felicity, walked around and pulled him up from the chair, tugging him toward the door.

"Ok, Smoak, tonight, 7:00 p.m., and we thought we would try that new mexican place near her bar.", he said putting his arm around her shoulders. As they walked out of her office, Felicity felt Oliver's eyes on her. He was watching Tommy like he wanted to rip his arm out of it's socket. As they neared Oliver Tommy looked at him with his charming smile. "Lis, who is your brooding friend?"

"Oliver Queen. Miss Smoaks' body guard.", Oliver said holding out his hand to Tommy.

"Tommy Merlyn. Love of Miss Smoaks' life, best friend and confidant.", he said. They sized each other up as they shook hands.

"Pain in my ass!", Felicity said, but she smiled.

Tommy kissed her cheek. "Tonight! 7:00 p.m., and wear that red dress I like." he said and winked. Oliver frowned.

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