Untitled Part 5

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Felicity stood as everyone filed out of the room, smiling and shaking their hands. They were on the right tract with the vest, and soon they could show John a prototype. She gathered her things, and Oliver followed her out of the room, to the elevator.

"I'm impressed Miss Smoak.", he said sincerely.

As the elevator doors closed she turned to him, uncertainly. "Well thank you Mr. Queen. We have been working on this particular vest for the last 2 years. It is nice to see it finally coming together." She gave him a slight smile as they walked toward her office. However, when they got there, she noticed her office door standing open and Carol not at her desk. She knew she had shut it. Maybe Carol was in her office. She started to walk toward the door, when Oliver immediately pulled her to the side, and gave her a signal to keep quiet, as he pressed her to the wall. Her heart pounding, she just nodded. Taking his gun from his belt, he gripped it in his hands, and moved quietly toward her door. Oliver hesitated only briefly before stepping into the office gun drawn. No one was there, but it was ransacked. Oliver reset the safety, placing the gun at his belt, and motioned her to come forward.

"It seems like someone was looking for something Miss Smoak.", he said as she walked in and stopped in shock. All of the drawers in her office were open, the contents all over the floor. She noticed her computer had been tampered with and papers that had been on her desk littered the floor. Oliver moved around the room, checking things but not touching as he got on the phone and called John.

"Don't touch anything until John gets here.", he said, before letting John know what happened. He was on his way.

Felicity sank down on the couch in disbelief. How was this person getting into her building. They had beefed up security after the attack in the conference room so how did this person get back in to ransack her office?

She placed her head in her hands and jumped slightly when she felt his hand on her shoulder in comfort.

"We will catch this guy Miss Smoak.", he said softly.

She gave him a watery smile, as they heard the elevators ding. Oliver immediately pulled his gun training it on the door. John walked briskly into the room.

"What happened? Are you guys ok?", he said walking over to Felicity.

"We are fine but someone decided to ransack Felicity's office while she was in a meeting.", Oliver said holstering his gun.

John called in his team and they immediately got to work checking for fingerprints.

Felicity stood and looked at John and Oliver. "How are they getting in here? We upped security."

"I don't know but I am going to review the security tapes and see if there is anything on them." John said, and then looked at Felicity.

"Listen, this is going to take awhile, why don't you let Oliver take you home." John said, taking Felicity's hands. "I promise to call Oliver if we find anything."

"Ok. Thank you John." She gave him a hug and he felt her tremble. He knew this was a lot for her. John then walked over to Oliver as Felicity got her things.

"By the way. We found some bullets from a Barrett M82A1 in .50 BMG among the ones from the shooting.", John said looking at Oliver but keeping his voice low.

Oliver frowned. "But who would want to use a gun like that? The bullets alone must be extremely difficult to locate. And the weapon is so unique. It seems too easy John."

John nodded, "I agree. But I have Roy looking into it none the less."

"Ok, well call me if learn more." Oliver said, before leading Felicity out of the room. He pressed the button on the elevator and they walked on. But as the doors closed he saw a tear slip from Felicity's eye. He didn't say a word but clenched his jaw. He would find the bastard if it was the last thing he did.

Felicity handed Oliver the keys and he drove to her apartment. "By the way. I am having dinner tonight with Tommy.", she said, having collected herself. Purposefully leaving Sara out.

"I don't think that is a good idea Miss Smoak.", he said, not really sure why. When Tommy had walked into Felicity's office it had surprised him. She had not mentioned a boyfriend and he felt that should have been crucial information. Especially if she and Tommy were serious and he would be around a lot. And when Tommy had placed his arm around her shoulders so familiarly, he had an urge to break his arm. He hadn't liked that moment of losing his self-control.

"Well then it's a good thing it was not your idea Mr. Queen.", she said.

"Then I will be coming with you.", he said, clenching his jaw.

"You really want to come on my date with me?", she said. He was going to be so mad when he found out the truth, but she did not care. She was not happy with being told what to do, so he deserved what he got.

His jaw ticked. "Whatever it takes to keep you safe Miss Smoak.", he said but she saw him clench the steering wheel tighter.

They arrived at her apartment and went up the elevator. They had a couple of hours before dinner. "I think I am going to lie down for a while." She headed to her bedroom and left her door ajar in case he needed her. Slipping off her shoes, she crawled onto the bed, leaving on her dress. She just wanted to rest.

Oliver watched as she walked to her room. He really was not looking forward to his evening. Having to watch her with Tommy. But wait! Why did he care? She was just his client. Nothing more, and he needed to remember that. Oliver turned and headed to his room. Pulling out his laptop he set to work on sending out some feelers to his contacts. He needed to find out who was after her.

Felicity woke an hour later a little groggy. Seeing the time she rushed to the shower, throwing off her clothes and turning on the shower she stepped in washing quickly. She had decided to wear her red dress with the zipper down the left side that ended in a slit that went to mid-thigh. Pulling her hair up she added a light touch of make-up and some bright red lipstick, and topped it off with her bright red pumps that showed off her legs nicely. She looked in the mirror and giving herself an encouraging nod, before heading to the living room.

Oliver was waiting for her, looking as handsome as ever in a white dress shirt, no tie, with a dark suit jacket and pants. Felicity had to look away as she made her way to her purse.

Oliver observed her from across the room, and he couldn't stop his eyes from caressing her from head to toe. She looked sinful, in a red dress with a zipper that begged to be unzipped. Her bright red lips and heels almost did him in, and he had to look away, clearing his throat, as he tried to gain control.

"Is Tommy picking you up Miss Smoak?", Oliver asked, trying to be casual. Inside he was all nerves.

Felicity fidgeted with her purse, not looking at him. "No. I told him I would meet him there."

Finally she did look up, and their eyes met ever so briefly. But it was enough to set her nerve endings on edge. She grabbed her keys, and they both walked silently to the elevator. When the doors opened he waited for her to enter before he did and they stood stiffly side by side, the electricity between them palpable. They got in the car and Felicity drove toward the restaurant. Oliver fidgeted in his seat, as he tried not to look at her thighs, particularly the one with the slit. When she sat down her skirt had ridden up slightly and Oliver turned his head and looked out the window. He had to remain in control.

Tommy and Sara had arrived at the restaurant, and were seated at a booth. Tommy sat across from Sara, and she looked at him oddly. "Why are you sitting over there?"

Tommy grinned, "Well first of all it gives me an unobstructed view of your beautiful face.", Sara gave him a cut the bullshit Tommy look. "And second is because Felicity's new body guard may be under the impression that she and I are dating. Sara, he gave me a look when I stopped to see Lis today like he wanted to take my head off just for speaking to her. So I might have played it up a little."

Sara shook her head, laughing. "I hope you know what your doing Tommy."

He grinned. "I know exactly what I am doing."

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