Mitten's has a cute meow //-w-//

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Valentino: ...! P-Please, don't stop, Comi~


King: *He grips onto anything he can, panting and moaning louder* 


Henry: Y-Yeah, o' cour- ...! O-Oh, ya don' know yet...! Well, Joey's stopped drinkin' n' smokin' n' takin' drugs, n' 'e's a real nice!~ Sammy n' Joey 're ma' boyfriends now...! N' Bendy's datin' Joey's ex, who's a lil' scary if ya get on 'is bad side, but 'e's a good kid otha'wise! Oh! Also, we went to Hell n' made a deal wit' the Devil's Brotha' so that Bendy were cured o' 'is Inkness..! ... ... ... ... ... Oh! N' Boris don' like bacon soup no more =w=


Slay: //0~0//


Vaggie: *She rubs her waist* ~


Red: M-Mm~~!


Cuphead: *He rubs her breasts, continuing to kiss her more* 

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