Im Sorry(Side Story)

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[None of these events are true]
[These are random stories i think up, so they'll never lead up with eachother]

"You were always there for me but i always pushed you away--" he cried, arms still wrapped around his younger brother.

Canada rubbed his back. How could he be so forgiving?
"You're still my brother Ame, i dont care od you pushed me away or not. I'll always be there" he said quietly.

"But look what it did to you! I caught you!" he cried outloud. "Those were my problems, not your fault" his tone was soft and reassuring.

"But you were already going through something and i was just coming to make it worse!" America half-yelled, half-sobbed.
"You didn't cause that. I promise." Canada said.

The American only remembered blank after that, but when he became conscious he was on the couch, Canada sitting on the far side of him, but he wasn't wearing his fur hat.

America soon realized he was the one wearing the hat.

Canada glanced over at him and gave him a warm smile.
SquueeeEEEE i hope you liked my first sidestori--

Usually i dont do side stories because they can get me a little, idk, to piled up with ideas? Then ill just make more books haha x3
Anyways uh, i hope you liked it, DP out-

7/13/2020 - 3:31 Am

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