Chapter 6

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Hey there everyone! Glad yall could stick around for chapter six,  I changed it up a bit and I think I will continue to change up the other chapters a bit (Just a quick heads up so yall arent caught off gaurd)I think you're really going to like this chapter, though! There is a little bit of a plot twist here! But I hope you like this chapter!

Let me know what yall think about it!

And happy reading you amazing people!



" Come on Analie lets go to this party just this once it will be fun!" Amanda asks pleadingly.

" Amanda that's what you said the last party you dragged me too."

" Oh come on you know I've been crushing on one of the guys from the basketball team for a long time, if we go to this party you can find someone and I can talk this guy at the party and maybe something will happen!" she squeals.
" Come on, pleasee!" she all but practically yells at me.

" Okay fine! fine! Just stop yelling. "

"Thank you! Thank you! I'll come pick you up in about 2 hours so start picking out your outfit, oh and Cam said he was going to come by he said you have something of his? "

" Oh, yeah."

" Okayy be ready in 2 hours please and wear something nice."

" Yeah Yeah."


" So why are you going to that lame ass party tonight?" Cameron asks as he walks into my house and plops down on one of the couches.

" Because you know that Amanda likes some guy from the basketball team and she just wants me to go to find a guy cause she thinks I'm going to die alone that or with forty cats"
"Oh and here is your camera."

" Come on Analie we can stay home and just watched Netflix!"

" With you? No thanks."

" Why not?"

" Because the last time we had a movie night at my house you ended up spilling all the popcorn on the floor and you didn't even pick it up"

" Fine then I guess I'll go with you to the party with you and see what all the hype is about, tell Manda not to pick you up we'll go in my car."

" Okay, okay"

" Now hurry up and finish getting ready!"


As soon as I finished getting ready we left to the party to meet up with Amanda. When we got there I was already regretting coming to this party, I could hear the music from where we parked which was a good 10 feet away I know I'm probably just being negative and exaggerating but I'm not some kind of party animal.

Once Cam and I walked through the door I knew I should've stayed home. The stench of beer and other types of liquor was everywhere, the music was playing loud enough for Jake's neighbors to call the cops and there were tons of people on the dance floor dancing or grinding against each other to the music. Seriously why did I come to this party?

" Hey, Cam-" I turn around to ask him if he wants a drink but he's already gone.


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