
14 2 0

Today,I graduated.
I wish I could look you in the eyes and tell you that I'm excited.
Ya know,maybe if things had turned out normal then I might've.
But instead 4 years had led to 4 months in my house.
I know I shouldn't be upset.
Because of course,people are dying and that's what we should be worried about.
But I really am feeling selfish right now.
I wanted to walk across the stage and give a bow.
I wanted to celebrate with my friends,the fact that we've come to an end.
You know we worked hard,cried hard,and studied harder for this day.
Yet it's ripped away like the same way my own heartstrings are torn.
What do you want me to say?
Do you want me to put on a smile and say"we did it?"
Or can I just admit that I'm upset?
And I don't want to repeat myself and sound over saturated.

But,hey.At least I graduated.

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