"My 5 Seconds"

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My 5 seconds worth of fame.
My 5 seconds came on December 28th 2006  with collapsed lungs,a unimaginable pain,and a choice to go or stay.
I chose to go and my 5 seconds almost didn't come.
And then my mother sobbed.
How she had been hysterical that I wouldn't live that very same day.
And how in just 5 seconds I could've made her entire life be ripped away.
So I had a choice to make:To stay.
Or let my last 5 seconds fade away.
And it counts for all of us.
We all have a choice to make,a choice that consists of five seconds:To go or to stay.

(You don't have to read this...but it's kind of...incredible.)
A/N:Hey it's Smokey,and on December 28th,2006 I was born.I was a premature baby (An extremely small baby) the doctors assumed I wouldn't survive.They told my father to pray.I was supposed to be born in April,if they didn't birth me early...my mom and me both would have died.I had collapsed lungs,and everything was giving out on me.They saved me.But I couldn't come home for months.When I finally did,I went to months of therapy to learn how to walk as a toddler and crawl.I had laser eye surgery.I could've ended up like other preemies:Crippled,blind,deaf or autistic.Somehow,I survived.A few weeks before,my grandfather whom i never met passed away,I'm convinced God took him so I could be saved.I wish I could've met my grandfather.I was 1 pound,4 ounces.I was what they called "A Miracle Baby." And guess what? God chose to let me stay.

So,don't give up if you're thinking about it.Stay...God put you here for a reason.

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