Chapter 4

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Andy Williams was sitting on his archair when his son rushed through the door with the police. He stood up to give his son a hug. His eyes were red from crying so much. He knew that his friend James was in a lot of pressure. Someone had warned them, and if they did not take this warning, they would die. But they never took it seriously and the result is this!

Jack tried to comfort his father.

"I've lost not a friend but a brother,"Andy said. Jack patted him on the back. Jack knew his father could not handle this. He went to get a glass of water and the police started interrogating.

"Hello Mr Williams. First question: Were you Mr Baker's good friend?"

"We were best of friends. We weren't friends but brothers. Ever since Jack and Marigold were born, we decided that they would get married someday. They treated my son as their son. They loved him so much that they put their property in his name."


Someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"a man asked. He opened the door to find the police at his doorstep.

"Avil Lounge,"another man came upto see who it was,"and Manny Stochholmes. You are under arrest for the murder of Mr and Mrs Baker." The policeman cuffed their hands before they could escape. At the police station, the criminals were beaten until they confessed,but neither of them opened their mouths. Gruff called Marigold to come to the police station to identify the murderers. When she saw the two men, she was shocked!

"Manny! You killed my parents! I'll never forgive you!"Marigold fumed. Manny nodded his badly bruised head.

" Marigold, I loved you the day I set eyes on you. We were good friends. I could never do that!"Manny exclaimed. Manny owned the grocery shop from where the Bakers bought their groceries. Everytime Marigold came to the store he would spend his time on her. He would ignore the other customers. He even proposed to her, but she declined and since then they decided to be friends.

"But you did it already,"Gruff interupted. Out of anger, Marigold left the police station. Manny started crying like a baby and scrunched up into a ball. Avil looked at his partner in disgust.

"What a partner I got..." He murmured.


Hi, this is my first story in wattpad! 

Plz comment and vote!

Im open for any suggestions.

This is a story i wrote long actually, i was going through my old things when i found this story and thought i would brush it up and post it.


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