The Dreaded School Day

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A/N- Sorry it's taken me so long to get another chapter done. I was working on completing my other story 'Something About Nothing'. Anyways, this will most likely be the next book I complete, so there will be more chapter uploads than usual.

Cesily is back!!

As always, feel free to point out any typos.

Stay a beautiful blue, my little monsters.

Over and Out,
Monsta Blue

Mommy told me that when I get to school, I would need to talk. She said that to get used to it, I'm not allowed to use sign language anymore. I can only do sign language when I'm practicing.

"H-h-hell-o-o," I said. It felt weird to use my voice. I hadn't used it in years.

"Keep going. Introduce yourself," my new teacher said.

"My n-name ih-is Cesily," I informed the class. They were all staring at me.

"Go ahead and tell us a little bit about yourself," my teacher said.

"I h-haven't talked s-s-sin-ce I was sev-en. I haven't g-gone to s-school since then eeeei-ther." I was tugging on the blue fabric of the school uniform.

"We're going to work on speech with you, honey," my teacher whispered.
Halfway through the school day, I was in math, sitting next to a blond girl.

"Hi. My name is Jenny," the girl introduced herself.

"Hi. I'm Cesily," I said. I was proud of the fact I didn't stutter.

"I know. I'm in your homeroom. I used to be homeschooled, just like you. Last year was my first year back." Jenny reached her hand out towards me. I shook it, grateful that someone had finally talked to me.

"I'm g-glad I'm not the only o-one," I replied.

"I hope we can be friends."

"Me too."

Maybe school wouldn't be so bad.

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