Jenny's House

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Jenny only lives a block away from the school, so we walk to her house. Her mother isn't home, and according to Jenny, usually isn't until nine.

We walked into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks. She leads me up to her bedroom.

Her room has deep purple walls and a queen sized bed. She had about six shelves filled with snow globes.

"Y-you have a lot of t-these," I say.

"I'm a huge collector. I also collect other things, though." Jenny's arm motioned to lots more shelves. One wall was completely covered in shelves. There were snow globes, autographs, rocks, jars, and lots of books.

"Wow," I said. I was speechless. I'm glad about that, since if I talked I would've stuttered.
Jenny and I were sitting on the floor. I was teaching her sign language. She's a fast learner.

"So you haven't spoken since you were seven? You've only used sign language?" Jenny asked.

"Right," I said. Jenny had been practicing speech with me. We were both helping each other.

"Well, I'm glad that I could help you start talking good again," Jenny said with a smile.

"Thanks. I've s-still got some to wa-wa-work on until I'm comple-co-completely good."

"Well, I'll help and so will the school. Our homeroom teacher is the speech therapist."

"What was her name?"

"Mrs. Fackur."


"Sure,"Jenny says. She is a really bubbly person.
8:00 pm came zooming around the corner. I had to leave. I didn't want to. Jenny was so nice and I enjoyed the company of another girl my age. I had been isolated so long that I started I forget what it felt like.

I walked somberly out of Jenny's white bedroom door, down the stairs, and out of the house.

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