Chapter 4

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"Tenmei Zaki, your thesis assignment was to show your life through your art. Please present your work."

Tenmei bowed to the thesis panel, "It would be my pleasure." He said as he approached the center painting in a line of 11 and removed the cover. The painting was clearly his silhouette hidden in thick mist and fog.

"Nearly ten years ago, I was found, almost dead in some backwards street here in Cairo. I lay comatose for over a month before waking with no memory of my life before that moment. I do not know who I was or what happened to me. Nor have I been able to find any clues that would lead me back to my previous life."

He moved to his left and removed another cover. The painting was of Jabari, seated at his bedside, nursing him back to health.

"The man who saved me, Jabari Zaki, nursed me back to health and even took me as his son." He said, moving again to his left to remove the next cover and revealing a painting of Jabari and himself in the herb shop. Jabari held 2 small jars in his hand and looked to be explaining something to Tenmei.

"I have lived with baba since and even apprentice in his herb shop. Not long after I recovered, we found my knack for painting. Baba greatly encouraged my abilities in hopes than I could remember my past. He went so far as to hang some of my work in his shop and I began receiving commissions." He said as he pulled the next cover off. It was of an older woman with tears streaming down her face. She was hugging a painting of a young woman holding a baby. There was an angelic quality to them that let you know they had passed on.

"This particular commission touched me more than any I have ever done. This woman is long time customer at the shop. Sadly, her daughter passed away during child birth. It was such a difficult delivery; the child did not survive long after being born. Then, one day..."

He moved down to the last painting on the left and removed the cover. In the painting, Tenmei, wearing a green uniform of some kind, stood pointing. His expression was fierce, determined and frightening in its intensity. He was surrounded by glowing green and silver tentacles. Above him, Hierophant Green floated, posed to deliver an emerald splash. The whole canvas was awash with colors complimenting Hierophant Green's coloring. So many shades of green and yellow swirled around in the background.

"Baba came home to find me surrounded by sheet after sheet of paper. It was as if I were struck by madness. I couldn't stop so long as the images continued flashing in my mind. The drawings were all some form of the creature in this painting in various situations. To that point, it was the only clue to my past. However, despite seeing it in my mind, nothing else was forthcoming. Then I came here and you, all of you, pushed me to the very limits of my imagination and skill." He said as he walked back to the first canvas he unveiled. He passed it and took slow, deliberate steps. As he came to the next covered work, he removed the cover.

"You pushed me into more moments of madness." He said as he continued taking off covers, stopping before revealing the last one.

"I do not know the names of these individuals but I do know them. I cannot remember their faces but I know, without the shadow of a doubt, that we went through every level of hell together. What ever that hell was, is what lead me to lose my memories and ultimately lead me here."

Tenmei walked back to the center and stood between 2 of the paintings. One was the silhouette of a small dog. Towering over the dog was a large creature wearing some kind of tribal mask with leaves and feathers. The background was a wild splash of jungle-like colors that made the creature seem to jump off the canvas. The other was the silhouette of a tall man in long flowing robes. His hair appeared to be knotted up on top of his head. Behind him was the large form of a man with a red birds head. Its fingernails were more talons than nails. Bright red, orange and yellow flames were billowing behind both figures.

For both of these paintings, however, despite the bright colors used, the colors in general seemed muted, dull or almost hazy.

"I do not know these people. What I do know, is that these 2, no longer live. I don't know how, or why. But when I look at these images my heart breaks and tears prick my eyes. I know within my very soul that I will never meet these 2 again, so long as I live." He said with a somber voice. He moved to stand in front of the final covered piece and gestured to the other 3 he'd already uncovered. The furthest away was the silhouette of a man with a high flat top hair style and what looked like broken heart earrings. Behind him stood what looked like a shining suit of armor, posed with a rapier. The background was an explosion of silvery grays and a plum color.

The next picture was the silhouette of a man with an Indiana Jones look. The background of this painting was solid black with glowing, purple, thorny vines tangled throughout.

The last uncovered painting was the silhouette of a tall man with a billowing long coat. Behind him was a large blue and purple looking man that had floating black hair with sparkling stars in it. The background was an endless expanse of nebula and galaxies in all colors.

Tenmei sighed, "I have no clue as to the fate of these three men. My guess is that whatever happened to me, happened after the first two passed."

He stepped back and removed the final cover. It was a desert landscape. Tenmei stood in the center, much younger and wearing the green uniform. His eyes sparkled and there was a small smile gracing his lips. Around him were the silhouettes of the others.

"I don't know who any of these people are. What I do know, is that they were very important to me and I'd like to think that, in some way, I helped them. I truly hope, one day, I can meet those that remain." He finished with a bow to the panel

"Thank you, Mr. Zaki. Would you please step outside while we discuss your presentation?"

Tenmei bowed again, "Of course. Thank you."

Tenmei stepped out of the room and sagged against the wall with relief. He'd never been so nervous. He'd forgotten his entire speech the moment they told him to begin. Nothing said was what he planned. Sitting outside the lecture hall now, he could remember it word for word.

"I'm gonna fucking fail..." he moaned.

It was about 15 minutes before one of the professors came to retrieve him. Somehow, he'd managed to pull himself together and appear professional.
Once he stood before the panel again, he received his fate.

"Mr. Zaki, we were all very impressed with your work. Your skill was already something to be envied when you arrived and you've only managed to surpass yourself time and time again. This was no exception. You expressed your story exquisitely and we are pleased to tell you, that we accept your thesis submission. Furthermore, we would like the extended an invitation for you to join this summer's World Art Tour as our signature artist. If you accept, you and someone of your choosing, will spend the summer traveling to various art galleries all over the world where your thesis work will be displayed."

Tenmei covered his mouth to hide his gasp, but couldn't hide the joyous laughter that sprang from his chest, "Absolutely! Thank you so much! It would be an honor!"

The lead panelist smiled, "Very well. Congratulations Mr. Zaki. You have earned this. Someone with contact you with the details and travel arrangements before the weeks end."

Once dismissed, Tenmei hurried home as fast as he could. He burst through the door, nearly scaring Jabari out of his skin. Tenmei grabbed the older man up in a tight hug before stepping back, still holding his shoulders.

Jabari laughed at his exuberance, "It went well, I see."

"Much more that that baba! You should pack your bags! We're going to travel the world!"

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