Chapter 17

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Like before, the second Jotaro knocked on the door, it opened.

Tenmei eyes widened as he looked at the couple in front of him. There was a heartbeat of deafening silence, then the woman let out a strangled cry as she wrapped Tenmei in a tight hug. Tenmei stiffened but didn't try to pull away. He kept his hold on Jotaro and his cane, not willing to part with any form of support available to him.

"This feels...awkward..." he thought. He knew he should hug back but he just couldn't do it.

"Dear, let them inside." Mr. Kakyoin said, pulling his wife away from Tenmei and into the house, "Please, come in. We have some tea on, if you would like?"

"Thank you, that would be nice." Tenmei said with a slight bow.

Mr. Kakyoin lead them to the living room while his wife finished preparing the tea. Everyone was silent, unsure of what to say. Finally, Mrs. Kakyoin came in with the tea. She held enough patience to wait until the tea was actually served before speaking.

"Are you well, Noriaki?" She asked.

Tenmei nodded, "Yes, ma'am. I'm very well. Thank you for meeting with us today."

"Where have you been all these years? Did they treat you well?"

Tenmei made a face, "I...I've lived in Cairo since the...incident that injured me. I'm not sure what you mean by 'they'?"

"The Joestar's and that horrible foundation. What made them bring you back now?"

Tenmei could feel Jotaro growing tense beside him, "Again, I'm not sure what you mean. I knew nothing of the Joestar's or the Speedwagon Foundation until just 2 days ago."

Mrs. Kakyoin looked at Jotaro, "Perhaps we could speak to our son alone?"

It was more a demand than a request.

Jotaro felt the grip tighten on his arm. Noriaki had yet to release him and it didn't look like he was going to any time soon. It made his response easy.

"No." he said in his most deadpan voice.

Before any arguments could be made, Tenmei spoke up, "I really would prefer he stay."

The conversation only continued to degrade from there. Within 5 minutes, Mrs. Kakyoin was going on about how the Joestar's had kidnapped Tenmei only to return him missing his memory. Despite Tenmei's objections, she went on and about how his imagination as a child had turned him into being emotionally unstable and susceptible to negative influences like the Joestar's.

That comment was the final straw. Suddenly, Jotaro was on his feet and dragging Noriaki along with him. Despite the surprised yelp he received, Jotaro marched to the door, not even pausing long enough for Noriaki to say good bye. He barely gave the man time to put on his shoes. Barely a minute later, there was a quick squeal of tires as Jotaro sped away.


They sat in silence until Jotaro drove them through Tokyo. Once free of the busy city, Jotaro found a spot and pulled over. The silence continued until Tenmei finally spoke.

"Thank you." He whispered, "That was...uncomfortable. I'm sorry for what they said about you and Mr. Joestar."

"Do not apologize for them."

Silence echoed through the car again as Tenmei thought over the encounter with his parents.

"Jotaro, am I...different than I was before? I can't imagine being happy with them."

Jotaro thought about how to answer. He didn't want to give the impression that Tenmei wasn't as good as Noriaki or vice versa. After a moment, he just sighed, "Maybe a bit happier? Less...bogged down and lonely? You mentioned once that, until you met us, you had no friends. You refused to get close to people without stands. You got a glimpse of what your parents were like. I was just easier for you to be alone."

Tenmei frowned, "I don't know what that's like now, to be alone. Baba has always been there for me. I even have a few I might call friends back in Cairo. No one terribly close, mind you. But definitely people I enjoy talking to and occasionally having a cup of coffee with while waiting for the next class. Regular customers at baba's shop are always eager to talk to me. Many I'm quite fond of. I have no kind of prejudice against non stand users. " He paused and sighed deeply, "I...I've never been alone like that. I've never felt alone. Not until today."

Jotaro fought the ache those last three words produced, "You felt alone today?"

"Not...not like that. It was almost like I remembered what it felt like to be lonely and misunderstood. I didn't like it at all."

"I'm here." Jotaro said, offering his hand.

Tenmei smiled and took Jotaro's hand in both of his, "And I'm happy you are. Thank you for trying today. Maybe some things shouldn't be remembered, huh?"

Jotaro grunted, "Wanna get lunch?"

The abrupt topic change made Tenmei laugh, "Yes, I'd love to get lunch. Oh, and I'm taking you and Mr. Joestar out for dinner tonight."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Really."

Jotaro chuckled, "Alright then. I guess I can deal with you for one more meal."

Tenmei gaped at him for a moment before crossing his arms and pouting.

Jotaro couldn't help it, he laughed.

A full, heartfelt laugh.

For the first time in over a decade.

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