Chapter 12

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Tenmei winced and a soft groan escaped him as he tried to stretch away the ache in his back and legs. The walk on the beach the previous night had been perfect in every way. He was paying for it now. Walking for so long on the shifting sands took its toll on his weak back muscles and spine.

"Looks like I'll be using the cane today." He grumbled to himself.

While he rarely had problems, there were some days he still had trouble moving around, though they were few. Jabari's stand had done an excellent job repairing the damage to the point where he had no scars from that encounter but some of the more complex nerve damage hadn't responded as they hoped. Other scars, having already healed, couldn't be corrected. The odd-looking scars over his eyes, he covered with makeup.

Today was threatening to be a rough one. As much as he wished to stay in bed and rest, he had plans for breakfast with Jotaro. He'd have Hierophant carry him around like a puppet before missing any appointment with Jotaro.

It took a lot longer to get ready than he thought. Even with the mild pain killers he took, it still hurt like hell. Just as he pulled on his shirt, there was a knock on his door.

"Damnit. I haven't even done my hair or makeup." He growled. "Just a moment." He called. He grabbed his cane and made his way to the door, fussing with his hair a bit with his free hand. He took a breath and opened the door, smiling up at Jotaro, "Good morning. Come on in. I'm not quite ready yet. Sorry."

Jotaro stepped into the room, eyeing Noriaki closely, "Are you ok?" he asked, pointing at the cane.

"Oh, I'm fine. My back just acts up sometimes, makes it hard to get around on my own."

Jotaro's eyes narrowed more, "Are you sure? We can reschedule if you need to rest more."

"I'm fine, Jotaro. We're going to a café, right? We'll be sitting and relaxing. If it gets to be too much, I promise, I'll tell you. Ok?" Tenmei said.

Jotaro grumbled but agreed. He took a seat to wait while Noriaki finished getting ready. He didn't like the cane or pained look in the other man's eyes. If Noriaki was half as stubborn as he was when they were teens, he'd be near death and still not cancel their plans. He'd also get insanely pissed if Jotaro forced him too.

Jotaro had no interest in pissing him off. At all. Ever.

So by the time Noriaki made his way back into the room, ready to go, Jotaro had decided on a compromise.

"Are you ready to go?" Tenmei asked, adjusting his green rimmed glasses and grumbling internally at having to wear them. Apparently, his whole body felt like rebelling today, even his eyes.

Jotaro stood and went to the redheads' side, "One condition."

Tenmei's eyes widened and he gave Jotaro a curious, "Oh?"

Jotaro offered his arm, "You hold onto me and the cane."

Tenmei scoffed, "I don't suppose I can negotiate a bit more freedom? I do have Hierophant after all."

"Ok, you can hold on to me while we are doing anything but sitting, or, I can forcibly put you back in bed, leave and bring breakfast back for us to have here." Jotaro stated calmly. He suspected Noriaki wouldn't mind the second option, but his pride wouldn't allow him to take it. Not yet anyway.

Tenmei, for his part, just stared at the other man, unable to decide if he wanted to be flattered or annoyed. He suspected Jotaro knew exactly how fine a line he was walking. The taller man's ocean eyes practically radiated mischief. Finally, Tenmei huffed and took Jotaro's arm, casting a mildly annoyed look up at him, receiving a smirk for his efforts.

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