TharnType: 7 Years of Love Chapter 2

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⚠️ Spoilers! Do not continue reading if you don't want any spoilers. Again, the series won't be exactly the same as the novel, so don't expect all of this to be in the series. The English is also not great as it has been translated. ⚠️

All for entertainment purposes only

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Enjoy :)
Sit back and relax, this is also fairly long.

"Still not relieved?"
"I'm not angry!"
"Heh, I'll believe you. Face taut was tight as your tight a*s this morning!"
Early the next morning, Mr Tharn's last day off for the week, but that didn't mean it was also Mr Type's day off; as a qualified boyfriend, Tharn woke up early in the morning sleepily to drive Type to the hospital, however, the two were speechless the entire way. In fact, Type also wanted to turn this matter over, because at this point he was really sleepy and wanted to sleep and he didn't want to go to work. Thinking back to what he did to his boyfriend last night, it seems that it was really a bit much. You have to ask what he did... he kicked his husband out of bed! Do you think it was a bad of him to do that last night?
Eventually Tharn angrily clutched the pillow quilt and ran off to the study to sleep, but since he was so sleepy last night... he didn't bother to coax him either. The mood had calmed down a lot this morning, and since the other party had even taken the initiative to get him to work, Type could only sigh helplessly in the end.
"Okay, I admit it. I went a little overboard last night."
This guy just played the silent treatment all the way, it's really not okay, so I blame myself all the way too!
"Come on, Ai'Tharn, you're not a kid anymore. Do you have to do this? And you were the one who wanted me to do it first last night."
"Why did you do it against a drunk? You're a sober man who's provoking a drunken man?"
The first time he wanted to scream at Type. Yeah, I was sober, but I was tired you son of a b*tch! After years of companionship, there are always a few bumps in life. Type saw each other in a quarrel and had to tell himself to calm down and not get angry, then shook his head and said,
"Well, it's my fault if I'm serious with a drunken person."
Sh*t, I was wrong about you, and you're not satisfied?
"What is this silence for? Cold violence, huh?"
"My back hurts!"
Hybrid didn't have a good attitude.
"And then what..."
"All because you kicked me out of bed!"
"You talk as if you've never messed with me to the point that my back was in pain, you are so close to breaking it and I haven't complained a word, okay!"
"Can that be the same?"
Type really wanted to call him out on what the difference was, but he didn't want to argue and since he had been rubbing his own waist from time to time since morning, it looked like he had really twisted it so he calmed himself down.
"Well, well, I'll rest tomorrow. Just think about what you want."
In the end, Type still lost to the 'selfish' person around him. At one time, Type also thought he was quite a selfish person. Tharn always went along with it, but looking back on it now it seemed that every time Tharn went along with it... it was actually just a smoke screen, and in the end the other person's little tricks always worked... just like this time.
"If only he hadn't argued with his little husband and come to me to whine."
"Hey, can't you just leave the two of them alone?"
"You're saying it like I want to nosy in on their life! It's Ai'No who comes after me every time!"
Type said impatiently. This die-hard and his little husband have been dating for a year and every time the two have a quarrel, Ai'No, that boy comes to him but also the beautiful name Type can help him solve all emotional problems. Who does he think I am? Goddess of Fortune or Family Mediator? I don't even want to say that my own family are on shaky ground!
"Tomorrow I'm not giving Ai'No a chance to come to me, I'm so tired and I want to be at home in peace."
The two of them have been living their lives for a week, and apart from not being able to have sex, it's as if they've been going their separate ways without intersecting. Last week, Tharn was away on a business trip and came back from a sleepless night and didn't even have time to exchange words.
"Then tomorrow we'll go out to dinner."
When Tharn was satisfied, the corners of his mouth finally lifted into a smile and he turned on the car music, singing along the way. Type also relaxed, he leaned his head against the seat and closed his eyes, Tharn did not bother until the car drove to the hospital gate.
"Ah, well there we are, huh? Thanks for the ride."
Not waiting for the car to park, Type said a surprisingly fast speech, in the opening of the car door to get out of the car he was pulled by the other side. He turned his head after a conscious supplementary sentence.
"No kiss goodbye today, I'll be late."
Tharn laughed, in a good mood which was comparable to the state of the morning depression.
"No kiss or I'll find a replacement tomorrow... I'll warn you in advance about tonight."
Type repeated Tharn's words with a look of disbelief, the latter with a look of ' I knew you'd forgotten' and then continued to remind the man of his impending tardiness.
"Tonight we have an appointment with Tum."
"Oh... and Tar?"
The boyfriend mentioned is a person he had once broken up with because of another person and now they had made up, Type instead will pull the long, long, long 'oh' and then mentioned a person who has graduated from France and returned home for a long time, the tone is wrapped in a sour taste, especially that person retuned home before sending an email to inform his boyfriend and also said he wanted to meet, the jealousy altar was immediately overturned, afraid that his boyfriend and that person rekindled the old love, although the fire has been extinguished even if the resurgence once again, Type is still confident that it will be stepped out. So now they meet occasionally and the relationship between his boyfriend and the teenager is like a mirror. Brotherly love, even deeper, is still brotherly love!
"Going to his house for dinner, is that right?"
"Well, I'll pick you up later."
Tharn's words made Type move, then shook his head.
"I'll just take the bus and forget it, his house is in a different direction from the hospital where I work, let's just meet up at his house."
"Okay.. Boo!"
Just as Tharn returned Type's words, the former didn't answer properly, but instead came over and gave the latter a kiss on the check while talking, and was gruffly scolded by the one who did. Don't think that the person who was scolded will go down, no, that person is just playful and happy as a child who has eaten candy. After smiling he looked down at this watch and said,
"You're going to be late."
"Holy sh*t!"
With a curse, Type scurried off towards the office building and if he had had, he was sure to turn around and give Tharn the finger. No matter how many years have passed, this guy still hasn't changed a bit, when will he ever get tired of kissing him!
"Ai'Type, Ai'Type, is that brother coming back today?"
"Which brother?"
"It's just that handsome looking kid with a clean face and smooth skin."
"Who the hell is it, sister Teng?"
The company's newest product is a new, more efficient way to get the most of your business.
"I don't remember that sis."
"Oh, just the guy who had surgery on his knee."
"Oh, so it's that guy, what's up?"
After hearing a colleague's description, Type knew who she was talking about, said 'oh', nodded his head and said he knew who it was. Recalling the child's appearance then asked puzzled,
"What's wrong?"
"Just good-looking."
My Tharn's a lot better looking than he is!
Type almost took the words out of his mouth but the words were swallowed again. He just nodded at his colleague and said,
"Well, he is as handsome as you say." He said.
His colleague is not just for Korean fresh meat. As soon as they meet, they immediately switch shifts with someone and fly to their favourite bean to back them up. Thinking back again to the man who had just had surgery. If he remembered correctly, the kid should be a sophomore in school, a pretty well-known university, yes he looks like the male lead in a Korean drama, not exactly the type his female colleague likes! That boy has a beautiful pair of big eyes, a high nose, lips and teeth so white it would make the girls ashamed of themselves. His skin is white, the kind of white skin that Thai girls cannot be compared to. No wonder the girls leave so impressed. But if I don't mention it, I really forgot I have a good-looking patient. Type shrugged as he thought about it, if he had to be honest, the boy wasn't very handsome in his eyes. Maybe he's been with Tharn for so long that the standard for handsomeness had moved closer to the upright and handsome hybrid of his boyfriend, with deep, three-dimensional features, a sticky body, a robust physique that could play the drums for hours on end without panting, and he's... sexy! I've been doing well in bed, but I haven't had much time lately, I haven't been 'exercising' much.
"Does that brother have an appointment with you for rehab today?"
"Well, yes."
"I envy you."
"What do you envy me for sis? I'm even better looking than him."
Sister Teng had a bitter pill on her face and didn't take kindly to saying,
"You're not my type!"
When did I ever say I wanted to be your type!
"You're kind of cold and handsome, I like sober and handsome."
"Yes yes yes, as long as you're happy."
Type could only shake his head and walk out of the department office, leaving his colleague alone to dream inside. Remembering the reason the teenager came for treatment... had an accident while playing sports, tore a ligament, came to hospital two weeks ago for surgery, is now in rehab and is the patient he is responsible for. The patient wanted to get back into the game sooner, but with a 100-day injury, it was impossible to exercise as vigorously as before without a few months. If memory serves me right, the kid had a temper tantrum when he was first brought in, probably feeling very upset that he was so you ne and couldn't do what he want to do. But if he was allowed to reprimand the other party today, Type didn't know if he would do that and would probably be expelled from the hospital. Then take advantage of the rehab and hit it hard, so that the kid is in pain and begging for mercy on his knees.
"I'm such a jitterbug."
In the end, Type shook his head at this thought of his own, but only to think about it, work is not the same as in school, the impulsive set cannot be used in work.
"Brother Type, hello."
This kid's possessed?
"Well, hello."
"I bought you dessert."
No, he's more out-of-body like this, sure it's the same person as the cranky teenager from before? Type looked at this handsome boy with a dumbfounded look on his face, the other party showed him a bright smile, turned around and took the bag next to the cane and reached it in front of him, Type was dumbfounded with a smile in his eyes, when he looked back, he immediately refused,
"Brother can't take it."
Since the other party called him brother, then he would call himself brother.
"Just take it brother, I went back and thought about it, it really wasn't right to be mad at you before, so I apologised to you, I was a bit short tempered because of the surgery, at that time the doctor also said that it would take at least six months to heal, at that time the injury was painful so whoever came near me was bumping into my anger. I felt quite guilty, so I bought a dessert to apologise to you."
The teenager said and also showed a pitying expression. Whoever saw it would have a soft heart.
Look at this kid. He's cute, isn't he?
Type said to himself in his heart, just want to refute his colleague: this teenager is not handsome, this kind of white skin, like a Korean drama male lead type should be cute, the kind that people love, especially when the other party is depressed and awkwardly smiling, no one can say no.
"Just take it, brother Type, if you don't I'll throw it away."
Why do I feel like he looks familiar? It's like someone I know.
"I even bought one for the attending doctor."
So you're going to let me take it anyway, right?
"Thanks then, but don't buy me another one next time, I'll be embarrassed."
I know who he looks like!
Type told himself in his heart that the teenager was smiling so happily that his eyes were filled with the light of gratification, just like the man he kicked out of bed last night. The look on his face when he gets what he wants is almost like a retreat, but this teenager is even better at being a pampered child, perhaps even more reckless because he is only 19 years old.
"How are you doing?"
"The wound doesn't hurt anymore, and I still do what you taught me and do muscle management every day, but it really hurt in the beginning and sometimes it hurts so much that I can't do it anymore."
Type is a bit of an eyebrow-raiser and there's always an illusion of intimacy when this kid used his own nickname when talking to him, but he let him be because a lot of kids these days like to use their own nicknames to talk to their elders so he probably treats himself like an elder.
Do I look that old?
Type laughed in his heart as the teenager continued to chatter on and on.
"Brother, is there any way you can make me recover a little faster?"
"Any method takes time, there is also discipline. Do muscle management every day after a short time you can return to the basketball court, this injury is a lesson. Next time, you have to take good care of your body. The body is not a machine, broken repair can still continue to use, the tolerance of the body is different, especially athletes, if you do not know how to take care of your body, the result will be like this, you will lose."
When the teenager asked about the recovery method, Type immediately took the opportunity to give him a lecture, and presumably the teenager also listened to it, because after listening to him he showed a frustrated expression and scratched his face in embarrassment. Looking down at him, Type couldn't help but be comforted,
"I know you want to get back on the field soon, I used to be a football player at the school too, so I understand how you feel."
"Really! You used to be a soccer player brother?"
He still looked unusually agitated, his face still leaning towards him excitedly.
"And still a vice captain, only retired when I did my masters." Type nodded.
"Ah, brother you've graduated your master's degree already?"
"Well, yeah, I've graduated now."
"Wow, brother you are awesome!"
The more he listened, the more excited he became, even his voice was filled with excitement and his eyes were full of adoration making Type embarrass himself. To be honest, there are quite a few students who admire him, but they are not as exaggerated as Junior, the key is that Junior's admiration is not yet faked, because if it is faked, he can definitely see that all Junior shows is genuine interest.
"It's not as good as you make it out to be." Type waved.
"But you can give me some words of experience from people who have come through, right... can you give me your Line Number?"
Type froze and twisted his head to look at the teenager who was looking at him with a look of anticipation.
"Okay brother, maybe I'm bothering you too much, but sometimes I don't know who to ask when my knee hurts. I thought you could give me some advice, please, for the sake of us both being athletes just give it to me." The teenager's eyes, smile and pampering tone all made him feel helpless.
"Well, all right."
Think of it as promoting the traditional virtue of loving children. Although Type thought so, it always felt like teen...was he overjoyed?

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