Quick Question!

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This is just a quick note. Instead of deleting it, I'm keeping it up just so I know that people are still interested in wanting spoilers.

TharnType: 7 Years of Love Chapters are super long. They're all around 5K words which may not sound too bad but it's difficult to type out.
Typing out Chapter 1 on its own was a killer (lol) my fingers were super sore and it literally took a full day because I needed to take a few breaks.

I just wanted to know whether anyone is actually interested and enjoying the spolier chapters of the actual novel or if I'm kinda wasting my time and no one wants any spoilers. If that's the case please let me know.

If you want me to continue typing up some chapters then comment on here so I know. If you don't want to comment, then feel free to privately message me instead. If messaging me or commenting is a little uncomfortable or embarrassing for you (which I completely understand) just vote on this and I'll know.

I'm leaving this up and hopefully I'll hear from a couple people. If not, it's okay. I'll just post updates and any important information about the series.

If you have any information on the series yourself then please message me and I'll add it to this book and also @ you :)


Take care loves. <3

~ Sam :)

TharnType The Series - 7 Years Of Love [ENG TRANS]Where stories live. Discover now