A Month Later

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*Erza's POV*

Its been a month since Master has told us about Dragon Season and its apperaing that Natsu is attracted to y/n. It's kinda cute. I'm not completely sure about her though. If she is attracted to him as well, she is certainly hiding it well.

Natsu had tried to go on missions with her, yet I've been saying that we should go in a group and y/n always agrees obliviously.

*Lucy's POV*

I'm sitting at a table reading a book when I hear a few laughs come from Natsu and y/n. I sigh as I look back at my book. I can't believe that Natsu likes y/n.

It's obvious with how he looks at her. He's always trying to go on missions alone with her, but Erza and Gray always insist that the whole team goes and y/n always agrees. I'm so jealous at her. Isn't Natsu supposed to be mine? I think to myself as I continue on with my book.

*Gray's POV*

I hear Natsu and y/n laughing together. I'm so pissed. Natsu and I like the sane girl?!?! It's not fair. What if I want a shot with y/n? That's why I always say we should go on jobs as a team, just like Erza, except in don't really know what her reason is.

Juvia comes up and says, "Gray-sama, will you come on a Job with Juvia?" She says to me.

Why does she talk in third person? It make her sound rediculous. "No thanks, I need to stay in case my team goes on one." I say through gritted teeth and a fake smile. She smiles back and takes off.

*Happy's POV*

Natsu really like y/n. He talks about her all the time when we're at home. I really like her too. She gives me tons and tons of fish and doesn't always yell at me like Lucy does.

I really hope Natsu and y/n get together. Then she could live with is and I can have fish forever!

I hear Natsu call me over, "Aye Sir!" I respond and fly over to Natsu and y/n.

*Natsu's POV*

I'm laughing along with y/n because Elfman had slipped on a banana peel, placed down by me, and fell on his butt. I called Happy over and he came flying, saying his signature, 'Aye Sir!'.

Y/n is so cute when she's laughing. When ever I look at her, I get this weird tingling feeling that I can't explain. I haven't really felt this way before. I wonder why I've started feeling this way when y/n showed up.

I think I like her because what is there to not like? She's funny, sweet, polite, gentle, yet she's adventurous, rough and smart as well. Her obliviousness she has every now and then is cute. I think I'm falling for her.

*Your POV*

It was hilarious how Natsu actually placed the banana peel down and Elfman actually slipped on it. Natsu called Happy over so he could see it. As soon as Natsu told happy what happed, happy started busting out laughing with Natsu and me.

Natsu was still laughing when he glanced over at me. I smiled brightly to him and he smiled back. He has such a cute smile. I think as I look back at him. I wonder if he likes me.

I think I like him back, but I'm not sure cause I have never liked anyone before. He was just so amazing with how he is. His personality is just wonderful and his looks, yes. I'd love to just lick that. I stop everything and freeze. What did I just think?

Did I just think, I'd lick that? Where did that thought come from. I nervously laugh and look towards Natsu, "I think I'm gonna head home, I've got some stuff I gotta do." I say to him and smile.

"Okay, bye y/n, see ya later!" He says and waves to me as I walk out of the guild to my house thinking.

As soon as I get home and shut the door, I lean against it and then sink to the ground. Oh my gosh, I like Natsu.

*Hey guys, so sorry for not updating in forever. Its just that I've been busy with the holidays and all that and I have the free time now to write it. 1:30 in the morning. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy(ed) it. I'll update soon as I get the next chance.*

*I really want this to also go how some of y'all want, so please, leave suggestions on stuff that you wanna see happen so I can continue it in easier and so I don't run out of ideas. I love you all and really appreciate the reads, votes and comments, thank you all and I'll give y'all an update soon. Bye!*

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