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When I woke up the sun had settled into a fiery display of pinks and oranges, its light still streaming out of the window above my crib.

The blanket we're warm and fuzzy that trapped my heat in. I wanted to stay there forever. 

My eyes remained half-lidded until the door opened. They focused on the figure entering. The forest fae wore a kind smile as he walked towards me. "Hey, Baby Boy, good nap?." He asked. Some of the fire that I had this morning returned cursing me to scowl at him and move my head away. I heard him chuckle and suddenly I felt myself being picked up.

When he sat me on his hip I was quickly aware of the harsh pressure on my bladder. I squirmed to get away from the stress on it. However, he kept bumping me up and down as if he knew.

I felt a whine slip from my lips as the pain started getting too much for me to handle.

"Shhh, I know... I know baby boy. You need to go it's not healthy to hold it in." A hushed wiper told me followed my small kisses on my temple.

I felt tears start to well and I started to struggle again but that just makes it harder to avoid the issue.  "No!" I whined as the faes hand started to press down on my bladder. I struggled to get away from his hand.

The more I struggled the harder it became to hold it.

Until I couldn't.

I felt my eyes widen and saltwater pour out of them, a shill left my lips as my bladder gave out and wet warmth flooded around me. I let out a sob as I covered my eyes, I was so embarrassed!

"Good boy! You're such a good boy!" The Fae praised as he laid me on the foldable table. I still hid my face in my arms and sobbed.

I hadn't even realised that the Forest Fae had started to change the clothes I was in until he pulled at my top. I screamed out a bit as my hands were temporarily pulled away from my face as my shirt was lifted over my head, he then put my arms through each sleeve of whatever he had managed to pull up my legs.

Before I could pull my hand away and hit him he had already zipped the thing up. He then picked me up and his scent flooded my nose again. This is getting annoying. I thought as my body relaxed and slumped against him.

"There no need to be fussy. I bet you're hungry." He declared as he carried me to the open room. My stomach grumbled in response coursing him to chuckle. I glared at him as he placed me on the floor in front of the fireplace.

I was sitting on a foam matt that had wooden toys scattered about.
"Play with your toys for a while like me and Papa prepper dinner okay? "

Play with toys? I never had toys growing up and my parents wouldn't buy me any even when my siblings would steal the one's I did have, even if I was gifted them.  When I tried to take them back I was the one stealing them, this led to a fight and my dad giving me the belt... So I gave up I started to leave the house, then it became more often, then the whole day coming back at 2 o'clock in the morning.

Of course, I had to find entertainment and that led to market running. Then running from the authority's killed more time.

Then when things got worse my friend introduced me to alcohol. She told me it was amazing for killing pain. The rest is history. I became "The drunk" in the tavern.


the pop of the fire brought me out of my thoughts and I turned my attention towards the toys that laid scattered on the floor. I picked up the closest one which looked like a horse.

The horse was hand made by the look of the carved initials. The detail of the figure was amazing, the tail had hairs and the nose was well painted. It had two holes embedded in its side.

I looked around and found a carriage that had two wooden reins that had a small lump on the end of each side. I reached for it falling onto my stomach as I still couldn't move my legs! As I grabbed ahold of the wooden carriage I felt the smoothness of the polished paint. Surely this must of cost a fortune I would have never even dreamed of owning such a luxurious object.

I felt a smile cross my face as I attached the two figures together. That smile then grew as I slid it across the soft play mat I was on. The wheels rolled perfectly and the hooves of the horse even made a 'Clack Clack' sound courtesy to the metal studs (shaped!) On the horse curved foot.

This was amazing!

I let out a giggle as I pushed it along the floor as I felt the edges of my mind start to fuzz.

I was racing the horse and cart across a dirt path, fleeing from the townsmen as precious cargo lay in the carriage, I was darting around greens and running across streams on a never-ending path of adventure.

That was until it came across an obstacle. It was a cloth dragon that stood proudly in the middle of the dirt track. Its bright red eyes scowling at the carriage.
"You Shall Not Pass!" it growled and its voice boomed across the forest.

The precious cargo gasping inside the carriage. Their eyes constantly looking out of the back window for the villagers that were chasing them.

"Please Mr Dragon." The driver of the carriage pleaded. "I need to get past my life will be in danger if I don't! "

"Why should I care about a humans life? " the dragon asked with a coy smile.

"Well... Well, I... " the driver looked back at the carriage.

"Because I order you too!" Out stepped a woman who wore a long dress coloured with purples and golds. Her hair is done pretty in two braids that overlap and come down into one. A gold tiara nestled on her head.

Reka (forest Fae)

A smile tinted my lips as I watched my baby play. He was pushing a horse around the floor and making small noises as he interacted with it. His eyes gleaming and a smile plastered across his face. I hope he can be this happy for as long as he lives.

While stirring the stew I looked over at my husband. He was taking the bread out of the oven and putting it on the windowsill. As he turned he caught my eye and smiled. His inked eyes gleaming at me and his smile showing teeth. I love this man.

He looked over at our boy and smiled more. "We better thank Percil for those toys. He seems to love them." He says just as Jayland lets out a squeal.

"Yeah. " I agree. Turning the stove off I head over to the cupboard and fish out the bowls and place them on the dining table. 

"Can you get him ready while I dish up?" I ask my husband.

"Sure thing." He says with a kiss to my temple and goes to where the child is playing.

That may end up in another fuss.


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