Chapter 22

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    I tried to avoid my parents over the next few days. Avoiding Natasha was easy because I couldn't find her anywhere. No matter how much I inconspicuously looked, she was nowhere to be found.
   Avoiding Winter was definitely a lot harder, because I lived in his floor. He was also always trying to talk to me, or spar with me. I would be in the gym, working out, punching a bag or something, and he would come up to me and ask to spar.
   I would always politely decline, and then go back to punching the bag or lifting the weights.
   But then later when I was studying the binders, he would come up to me and ask me what I was doing.
   "Studying," I would always respond. Then when he turned to go away, I would hear him take a breath to say something, but he rightly decided against it, and left.

Four days after I found out that Natasha and Bucky were my parents, Fury called all of us into the conference room again. This time, Peter was invited as well, and he was so excited.
"I could go on a mission with the Avengers!" he squealed as we sat down in the conference room side by side. I smiled and swiveled in my chair.
"Didn't Tony day not to get your hopes up? I don't want you to be hurt if you're not able to go."
"I'm so glad you don't want me to get hurt, but I have a good feeling Mr. Stark got me in." He nodded and made duck lips. I looked at Stark, who was listening, but he didn't comment on it. I shrugged and swiveled back around as Fury walked in, carrying a computer.
"As you all know, we have a new HYDRA assassin on the loose that we know nothing about, and we need to do something about it," he demanded. "Ms. Summer already has a spot. In fact we've decided that she will be leading the mission."
I'm leading? Why?
"We've chosen five people to go with her. So when I call you, take the file I hand you, and educate yourselves. Do not discuss the info in these files unless it's bracketed, do I make myself clear?"
The rest of us nodded and Fury picked up a stack of folders. "Rogers."
Steve took the folder from him and stood facing the room behind him. The same happened with Sam, Natasha, and Winter. And when he called Peter's name, he went crazy. He skipped over to Fury and before he could take it, Fury moved it out of his reach.
"Do you understand the importance of this mission Mr. Parker, or do I need to pass it on to one of the adults?"
Peter stopped bouncing and put on a serious expression. "I promise Mr. Fury Director Sir." He even saluted. I hung my head. This was the guy I was leading into HYDRA, boy I had my work cut out for me. Fury sighed and lowered the folder to Peter.
Fury then signaled for everyone else to leave the room. "You're all dismissed, I need to speak to your leader."
He walked over to me when everyone left, and handed me the folder.
"Can I ask you a question Mr. Fury?" I fingered to folder. Before he could decline, I went ahead and asked him.
"Why did you make me leader of the mission? If it was because I know HYDRA, then why not make Bucky the leader? He knows them too."
"Because we don't think Mr. Barnes will be able to handle the pressure of leading a team into the belly of the beast that tortured him for seventy years. We chose you to lead because your parents trust you more than you think. You need people that will trust you."
"And you trust me?"
Fury sighed and pulled out a chair to sit down. "I don't trust anyone. I don't trust you when you say that you regret everything you've ever done. But I do think you're crucial to getting ahead of HYDRA, whether you're telling the truth or not."
I stood up with the folder. "Thank you Mr. Fury. I will do the best I can." He nodded and I left him alone in the room.
   Two days after we got the information for the mission, we were ready to lift off. Peter's Aunt agreed you the mission, but of course, she had no idea that it was HYDRA she was agreeing to, because she was a civilian. She was told that there was some convention overseas that Stark wanted to attend.
   Stark himself wasn't going because Fury needed him to process what we sent through our communication devices. Wanda and Vision stayed behind as well, because the team that Fury made was better put together for stealth.
   The Quinjet was packed and ready to go, we just needed to get on it. Everyone was suited up. My favorite costume was Peters. It was red and blue, and it imitated his personality: cheerful.
   When Stark showed me my suit, I kept my face neutral, but I was jumping up and down on the inside. It was so me. It was an all black outfit based on The Winter Soldier's suit when he was still back at HYDRA.
   It had a jagged V-neck line vest, with straps all across the front, and a magnetic gun holster that clipped around the body. A black slip on sleeve covered my flesh arm, but my metal arm was on display, which was crucial to my demeanor.
   The pants were skintight, in an effort to differentiate me from The Winter Soldier's suit. I had a little utility belt armed with a ton of little gadgets that Tony made himself, including tiny bolt cutters and a compressed grappling hook.
   "How do you like it? Any pinching anywhere?" Tony asked me when I was totally suited up. I adjusted my fingerless gloves.
   "It's very comfortable actually. My only request is that maybe next time I can wear a mask like the one I wore in HYDRA."
   Tony almost lit up when I said that. He led me over to a drawer and pulled out a black rubber mask that was almost an exact replica of the one I wore for years. The only thing that changed was that in the small corner, next to the left ear, was a small S.H.I.E.L.D. logo. I know it was only there because Fury made Tony put it there, but it actually touched my heart.
   "I wasn't sure if it was going to bring back bad memories like it did with the Metal Man. So I decided against it for this mission," he said, playing with the pen in his hands. I shook my head.
   "No it's fine. What my dad needs to learn is that we're free, and we don't need to be afraid of the bad memories."
   Tony put some chips behind my ears and activated the magnets that would hold the mask in place.
   "Let me give you some advice," he started. "Give your old mad a break. You think he had the same experience as you, and was as strong as you. But he didn't, and he wasn't. Is that position good?"
   "Yeah that's perfect. Can you hear me through this?" I yelled.
   "Of course I can hear you. You don't even have to yell, your voice isn't muffled. If you need nothing else, you're good to go."
   "Actually yeah," I said. "You really think I'm stronger than him?"
   Stark shrugged. "Most people think you are. Including your dad. Now go. They're waiting for you out there."

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