Let there be silence

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Jonathan was 3 seconds from ending Edwards' life.

Come on Johnny don't be that way he's  entertaining.

Crane grit his teeth curing his bad luck. He was currently stuck in Arkham once again having been caught by that damned bat. Only problem was he was stuck next to the most irritating man.

Scratch that second most irritating man.

"-ey didn't even spell it correctly! Theses are professionals John and the-" Crane honestly was trying to block out whatever it was that Edward was ranting about. From the bits he had caught it must be about some typo in a story book.

"Nigma do I look like I care?" Crane cut the man off becoming more annoyed as he went on. Normally he'd be able to block him out but unfortunately Arkham just had to choose now to do renovations meaning he was stuck with the annoying riddler .

The cell the two accompanied had a bunk a side table and a few books.

Come on Johnny! Cheer up you could find out what the man fears.

Scarecrow if you think I have the patience to find that out without my serum currently?

That's cause you're a poor sport Johnny. Let me take over please please!? It'll be fun.

No. We're attempting to get out legally this time.

We're doing what? Why? That's boring Johnny.

"I rather not be high on drugs so making it seem like you are gone works better now be quiet between you and Edward I'll never sleep."Jonathan had mumbled that aloud laying on the bottom bunk. He shoved his face into the pillow wondering if he could knock himself out if he hit the wall hard enough.

Edward rolled his eyes at the butt hurt villain. "Jonathan you could use to look at the book. This isn't a mistake I can just overlook, it's completely ridiculous! How this Escaped the editorial team."he continued putting more emotion into escape then any other word.

"Edward I'll only tell you this one last time or so help me Harley will find out who ate her ice cream."Dr.crane growled rolling over.

Johnny boy might wanna pay attention to the green question mark.

Scarecrow the last time I attempted an escape with Ed I smelled like burnt trash for a month... and we didn't even escape.

And whose fault was that?

Edwards! He had to leave a clue! the idiot.

Only idiot is the one not attempting escape.

Edward has finally left, peace and quiet

Or so it would have been if Edwards' plan had worked...

Plan didn't work.

The riddler was returned battered and bruised with a broken arm.

"Told you to shut up." Crane smirked from the bottom bunk peeking over his shoulder.

Riddler just glowered at his annoying roommate angry that Batman had been returning Ivy. "If ivy hadn't been caught it would have worked out fine."

Humph still think you should have gone with him.

No thanks I finally got out of my last cast

Riddler Shut UpTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang