Komaeda's Request

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Hinata is the leader and he's very tired. Komaeda notices and asks Hinata to hang out with him for a bit.


It wasn't unusual to Hinata when Komaeda asks him to spend some time with him so suddenly. Each time he would ask, Hinata would politely decline due to the fact he was busy with everyone. It hasn't been easy living their lives on the island. The Future Foundation would bring all the supplies so that wasn't the problem. The issue was to get everyone to earn eachothers trust.

Nobody can deny that they all had thier fears and habits because of the simulation they were in. 'Imposter' was terrified when ever someone turned off the lights, Koizumi becomes fidgety when Pekoyama and Kuzuryu are alone together with her, Saionji lessens her rude remarks when she bullies Tsumiki, and so on. But everyone seemed to agree that that luckster wasn't trustworthy at all.

It wasn't surprising that they all thought that, after everything you still need to be cautious around him. Hinata thought otherwise, he wanted everyone to recover so that also included Komaeda.

It was a shock to see Komaeda so serious when he asked Hinata to hang out. Hinata wanted to decline once more, but he was hesitant about it. Komaeda's never been the pushy type, he would always set boundaries and never step across it. An exception for him talking about hope. So to have him ask Hinata in such a firm voiced laced with worry, Hinata couldn't bring himself to say no.


Insted of going to the beach the very rare times Hinata agreed, they went to the Library. Komaeda silently opened the door reaveling a very dim lighted opened space, with stacks of books and a few wooden chairs and tables. Hinata felt a chill down his spine, the Library was a very cold place, literally. He yawned quietly, reciving a smile from Komaeda. He wondered why he brought him here, he knows that cold places make him sleepy, well more than usual. Earning no explanation, him and Komaeda split down diffrent isles searching for a book.

Hinata walked down the isle full of fanciful books about princes, fairies, or how life finished with the joy and satifaction of having such a happy end. Placing his hand on the leather covers of all the books, looking at the title to find one that wouldn't bore him so easily. Kamakura was still a part of him afterall. A part of Hinata that he despised and didn't deserve. He hated Kamakura for a lot of reason he shouldn't and wouldn't mention, yet he felt like he didn't deserve all the talents from that side of his.

Finding a fairly intresting book, he made his way back near the entrance. Seeing Komaeda already there absorbed in a romance book, he took a seat beside him and started reading too. The book was sort of predictable, it was obvious that the sudden new character half way through was the mastermind and it was obvious that the protaganists friend would die at some point. He sighed, he was nearly done with it and was starting to get sleepy.

Closing the book, he took out his phone to check the clock. It's been nearly 30 minutes since he's started reading, his lips slightly formed a frown. He looked over to Komaeda to see his eyes still focused on the book, he knew that Komaeda didn't just ask Hinata to read. There's always been a reason -or maybe he didn't have one and just wanted someone to be there for him- he didn't know. So to find out, he asked Komaeda as blunt as ever.

"Why did you invite me here, Komaeda?"

Komaeda lifted up his head and turned to toward Hinata, looking at him straight in his eyes. Hinata felt something in his chest, he's been feeling this for some time now. He knew exactly what it was, what he's been feeling. But he would never admit to it as he is very stuborn.

"Ah are you upset because of my presence? I'm sorry, I just wanted you to..." His voice faltered near the end, leaving Hinata curious at what he's trying to say. "To what?" He spoke, rubbing his eyes. "Nevermind Hinata-kun, it was a selfish idea anyways. You could always leave, afterall who would want to spend their time with someone like me" Komaeda chucked lightly. Hinata groaned in irritation at Komaeda's statement.

Komaeda now continued reading his book, "Ugh, you really are confusing you know? Inviting me here to just ask me to leave" Hinata said. "...and you aren't trash" He whispered loud enough for Komaeda to take a glance at him. "You're too kind Hinata-kun" Komaeda responded, not looking away from the page. "Is that why you're so tired? You've been focused on everyone except yourself, it is very thoughtful but it leaves you in need of rest" He concluded and placed his book down.

Hinata now knew what he was trying to do, he wants Hinata to rest.


Hinata was expecting this at some point, Komaeda was rather good at puzzles, putting all the peices together to form one giant picture. So Hinata wasn't all that surprised, he knew it was obvious since he hasn't been hinding his fatigue at all. His classmates were concerned about his well being too, they just never took action and tried to help to him.

Until this very moment, someone actually tried.

Komaeda continued "I'm sure that you won't listen if I asked you to sleep". Hinata stayed silent, staring at Komaeda, not completely knowing how to respond. "Forcing you to rest won't exactly help either". Hinata placed his arms on the table, awkwardly hunching his back a little. "So I guess I'll just have to request you to sleep" "What?" He furowed his eyebrows. "I have a simple request and that is for you to sleep" Komaeda stated it as if it was the obvious answer.

Hinata couldn't help but scoff, was Komaeda really doing this right now? "How exactly would requesting, help me sleep?" Komaeda just looked at him so innocently, making Hinata dive down deeper into an ocean of confusion and curiosity. "You tend to everyone's needs, having requests such as having shoulder to cry on, watching Saionji-san's dance practices, listening to Mioda-san's music preformances--" Komaeda continued listing things off and Hinata was tuning most of it out, listening to what seemed important.

"--and other tasks too. That's why, by logic you would aslo listen to my request" Komaeda pushed his chair backwards, grabbing his book. Hinata just watched, Komaeda stood up and went down an isle, returning the book he finnished. Hinata couldn't follow where Komaeda was going with this, Komaeda just expects him to actually do it because it's a request and not a suggestion? Hinata could just leave, like what Komaeda said earlier. But Komaeda probably wouldn't let it go.

'Why does Komaeda even care anyways?' Hinata questioned himself. 'It's probably because I'm a symbol of hope to him, he wouldn't want me to die because of my poor health'. Hinata knew that much, Komaeda made it pretty clear during the simulation. Hinata wasn't all that sure on what he should do in the situation he was put, but what he did know was that he was going to take a nap. He placed his head on the table burying himself in his arms, letting the world around him turn dark. Soon he let his consciousness drift, allowing him to be engulfed in sleep.

He didn't know why he listened to the request, he just did. Was it because of the place, the time, the setting, or maybe... it was because of a person?


Well I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as I did writing it. I'll write more of course and I hope you guys will enjoy those too.

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