A Treasure Hunt - Fluff (draft)

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[ No Killing Game AU ]
Usami decided that at the start of the week, they should have a treasura hunt. Hinata and Komaeda get paired up, I wonder how their adventure will go.


"Okay everyone! We will start the treasure hunt next week, when you go back to your rooms you will be given your assigned partner and a hint for what you're going your hunt for. I'm so proud that everyone's getting along!"

Hinata heard half of his classmates squeal in excitment and the other half groan in annoyance. Everyone just finished taking a swim on the beach and Usami suggested that they should have a treasure hunt. It's for everyone to 'get to know each other better'. If Usami really wanted them to be friends, why not lock them up in a room to make them talk. But he probably shouldn't say that out loud, Usami might get some ideas. Hinata wasn't so sure about the idea, it's not like he hated it but he just didn't want to do it. "Hey Usami-chan? Is there going to be a prize at the end of the game?" Nanami yawned as she spoke, as a gamer she would probably expect a reward once a task is finished. Usami nodded and brought out her magical stick, she waved it around while saying random words, after that a TV appeared. Hinata stared at the TV, wondering why Usami conjured that up.

"The prize for completing the game would be making contact to the outside world! Whoever wins can call up a family memeber, a friend, or even teacher. But the only winners can make this call"

After what Usami said, most of his classmates asked Usami on how they can start the game. The very few people that didn't do that just walked away. So Hinata left the area too and went back to his room, he was thinking about who he should call if he did win. He couldn't remeber much of his life before the trip. But nothing came up no matter how hard Hinata thought, it was like his memories just dissappeared. It left him in confusion on what he should do, who would he call then? So he just decided that if he can't remember who's improtant enough to make a call, he should just win for whoever his partner was, his partner should have someone in mind. If Hinata remembered correctly his partner's name should be on a piece of paper in his room. As he opened the door, he saw a folded up paper and another cut in half paper beside it, placed neatly on the table. He opened up the folded one and it said in bold print:

Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student

So his partner was Komaeda, the one who helped him up in the beggining of their island adventure but also the one that told everyone about hope. A distorted vision of killing someone, making them a ladder for hope to shine even brighter. Everyone thought he was crazy, Hinata on the other hand was just confused. How could killing someone create hope? Wouldn't it just bring despair? And more importantly, what caused Komaeda to think like that? Everyone once they heard Komaeda, thought of him as a pyscopath, he was someone who just murders people with no remorse. But that doesn't seem like him, even if Komaeda said it himself. Hinata knew him just for a little while but he knows that Komaeda isn't a pyscopath. He didn't have a reason nor evidence to contradict Komaeda's statement, well, not yet anyways.

He thought about using this chance to get to know Komaeda more, he just couldn't accept that. Maybe he'll find out the truth behind Komaeda's actions, after making sure there were no other messages on the paper, he picked up the other one which was cut in half.

When is a square

The writting cuts off right there, he was confused and thought it was some sort of misprint. He sat down on his bed flipping the card from the front and back, searching for the other words that might finish the sentence, he found none. He kept on thinking on some sort of answer, eventually he gave his mind a break and fell onto the sheets, closing his eyes. After a while, he heard his doorbell ring. He opened his eyes, which blinded him with the brightness, when his eyes ajusted to the light he pushed himself up and walked towards the door. He placed his hands on the smooth wooden door and turned the metal knob slightly, just enough to see who was on ther other side. He saw a green waterproof jacket, water droplets slither down his arms, also wearing a white shirt with an intresting swirl in the middle of it. His colorless hair was soaked but it was still kept its velvety touch, wearing a small freezing smile on his face. Yup, it was Komaeda.

Hinata opened the door's entrance wider to let Komaeda in, Komaeda stepped in with his hands in his pockets and his jacket half zipped up. Hinata saw how wet Komaeda's clothes were and told Komaeda to sit down on the couch while he go gets a towel from the bathroom. He never realised it rained so hard, he heard some drizzling but not the storm kind of sounds. He got a clean towel and gave it to Komaeda, Komaeda plopped it on his head, shaking it on his hair to dry it. Hinata sat down beside him and in silence watched him dry himself.


So while writting this prompt of mine, I've realised that this might be a bit long. So I'm letting you guys comment if I should continue this or should I just start another one?

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