Clouds - Fluff

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[ Winged AU ]
Rare people ( Ultimates ) are granted the power to fly, hence the wings. Hinata being friends with Komaeda thinks the skys beautiful, but Komaeda has a diffrent opinion on that.


"So how was your coming out to your parents, Hinata-kun?"

Hinata nearly spit out his drink, he placed the can down and covered his mouth with the back of his palm. "What the hell Komaeda?!" Hinata muttered, the boy to beside him laughed. "Apologies Hinata-kun, I was curious on how it went" He handed Hinta a tissue. Hinata took it and wiped it around his mouth, then he crumpled it up and threw it in the trash can nearby. "It went fine, my parents honestly didn't care" Komaeda seemed relieved when he told him. As slight gush of wind caught their attention and both turned to look at the sky.

It was afternoon, with the sky a shade of beautiful blue. Large swirls of white moving in one direction, some fading away as they drift. Although you couldn't see much through all the leaves, it seemed today was perfect for both the boys; laying on the grass with a blanket beneath them. They were watching the cherry blossoms since it was in it's season. Hinata admired it's beauty, with what's happening in the world right now it's nice to see something positive.

The crime rate in their country significantly increased during the start of the year. A lot of it was surrounded around the school they both were going to, especially the Main Course. Hope's Peak Academy was a school made for researching the abilities of Ultimates, the rare indivisuals gifted with wings. With Komaeda being one of them, he was scouted while Hinata applied to the Reserve Course. Being in Reserve Course wasn't all that great, the school's loans are super expensive and everyone outside the school envies you. But graduating from there is said to get you anywhere in life.

And there was still the project the school asked him to participate in, he still had a week to decide but already had his answer. He picked up his drink and took a sip, still looking at the sakura's. "It all seems rather beautiful Hinata-kun, that must be why you haven't been answering me or is something on your mind?" Hinata seemed to forget that someone was here with him and yelped in suprise. "U-uhm, yeah sure" He responded, Komaeda gave him a skeptical look. "You're a terrible liar, Hinata-kun" "Oh-" "So tell me, what's troubling you?".

"Nothing, I just think the sky's pretty" Hinata answer a little too quickly, it was an obvious lie yet Komaeda said nothing about it. It wasn't often to see Komaeda silent so Hinata didn't know what to do. Should he talk to him or should he stay quiet too? He doesn't know. "Why do you think so?" Komaeda said slowly, "Hm?" He hummed in response.

"Why do think the sky's a wonderful place?"


The world was dark, he couldn't see a thing. He heard a lot of noise and covered his ears. Why was everyone so loud?

Then before him were flickers of fire and pools of blood, he felt himself crying. The hotness around him didn't help, his vision blurred and he was feeling nauseous.

He stared at the ground, sensing all the commotion around him. The sky was dark and everyone around was dark too, wearing black as if death was right in front of them and it was; he wondered if his days could get any darker.


"Well..." Hinata tried to come up with a explanation, leaving an awkward silence between them. Komaeda lifted both his legs and pulled it close to his chest, curling himself into a ball like position. He seemed tense, Hinata wondered what did he say to make Komaeda like this. "Did say something wrong?" "Huh? Oh no, I just want to here your reason" Komaeda stretched his black and white wings. If he remembered correctly, Komaeda doesn't use his wing that much, he dislikes being lucky with such a gift.

Another thing was the color of it, his left wing was colored white fading to charcoal black. Komaeda mentioned he went on a trip once and it didn't go so well, and that's how his wing was tainted with black. "Are you sure you want me talking about this?" Hinata asked, confirming if he should proceed with the topic. Komaeda nodded, and loosened his position just a little bit. "I believe it fills me with that hope you keep talking about" He moved closer to Komaeda, though it was unconsciously done.

"I think the sky's pretty because it's hopeful, don't you think? You could always stare into it and think everything and nothing all at once. You could think of it like a sea, you could swim endlessly through your thoughts. You could think of the clouds as people, everyone's moving. When you feel as if you're in a hopeless situation, you're like clouds, moving. Even if it's just a little bit, it's still progress"

People? Hopless situation? Clouds...?


It was a place filled with noise and color, blue and red light everywhere. Sitting a car with a blaket wrapped around him, people crowded the sence, along with a few reporters.

It was raining endlessly and he felt uncomfortable, recalling the events earlier, he felt like the situation was so despairing. It seemed to infect him too with such feelings of hopelessness.

He stared a the sky, clouds covering the sun, and the shining hope with it. He heard his captor struggle, though it was hard too hear through the thunder. He wondered if the clouds could feel the same emotions he was feeling.


"What if it raining Hinata-kun? What if it the clouds become your enemy?" Komaeda argued back, Hinata confused, tilted his head. 'I said clouds were people... what if people become your enemy?' He thought. He knew that Komaeda hated loud noises, everytime he heard something too loud, he instinctively covered his ears. He especially disliked storms, the sound of thunder and lightning clashing, it scared him to death. 'Was that why he said the clouds becoming our enemies?'

"Raining? I still think it's pretty, afterall you say hope will always come after you defeat despair. So I guess that's the same with clouds..." Hinata was right beside Komaeda, only a few inches apart. Komaeda placed his head on Hinata's shoulder, Hinata tensed up but after a while he relaxed. "So that's what you think of the sky? I still don't I understand" "Well I won't explain it, I've run out of sappy things to say". Both boys laughed at the other's previous statement, Hinata seemed pleased that all that sap he mentioned cheered Komaeda up.

"You know that cloud looks like a bagel" Komaeda mentioned, Hinata turned to look. "Yeah it does, that one looks like a doll" He pointed to the sky, and they continued making shapes out of the clouds for the rest of their time; subconsciously intertwining their hands together.


In the end Komaeda didn't understand why Hinata admired the sky, but was satisfied he was able to spend time with the person special to him. Hinata on the other hand wanted to understand the other boy even more and was left dissatisfied. 'Is it because he's an ultimate? Is that why he dislikes the sky?' He asked himself.

Hinata wondered if the project will be his answer.


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