Chapter 1

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Nashi Dragneel, commonly known as Nashi Starlight, is the daughter of the well known Natsu and Lucy Dragneel.

They're famous singers and are currently on tour, sadly, without her.

Her parents decided to enroll her at a nearby School, Sabertooth, as they call it.

She had a best friend that knew her secret, she wasn't meant know about it, but she found on on accident.

Nashi was naturally walking to class, like any normal student, except that she was a little late, and when I say a little, I mean at least 15 minutes late to class.

She walked passed an empty, or so she thought, classroom until she heard two voices coming from within.

"So who's that pink haired girl friend of yours Maya?"

Maya was Nashi's best friend, or again, as though she thought.

"Oh her? She's the girl I get all the tickets for The Dragneel concerts. She's really close with their family."

"Cool is she your best friend? Cause I'm pretty sure she talks about you all the time."

"Best friend? What a joke, I'm just using her for tickets and backstage passes."

Nash opened the door, her bangs covering her eyes, which ultimately shocked the two girls in the classroom, "Now that I know what you think of me, have these tickets," Nashi said, pulling out the 7 front row tickets to the concert.

"Oh whoops they're ripped a little," Nashi tore the tickets into little pieces and she walked towards the door,

"Oh and by the way," She turned, "Your a toxic and fake b*tch."

Nashi ran out and sat on the bench with her knees up. She cried into her clothes.

"Stupid fake people." She mumbled into the cloth.

She pulled her phone out and rang her Mother, who so kindly picked up the phone,

"Mother, can I move schools?"

She explained what had happened and Lucy agreed to her daughters wishes.

In the next week, Nashi would be attending the Number One Music School in Fiore, FairyTail.

THE UNKNOWN DRAGNEEL Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt