Chapter 1 - Runaway

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Art by Cainternn - 


AN : Re-Written and revised finally, having sudden motivation to write five books and seven one shots. I remember absolutely nothing, and I really don't want to re-watch it so google it is. Lots of stuff will be the same, I'm just going through to fix or add things. 


You had to remind yourself over and over as you ran for your life that this wasn't the end.. This wasn't where you gave up, just to let Sylvasta guards drag you back to that dreadful lab. It was like hell on earth fi you ever had to describe it, barely treated as a human anymore. It was cold, the stars and moon peeking out from hazy clouds, yet you could see everything as though you drank a minecraft nightvision potion. Now don't judge on the comparison, you'd try to find some sort of humor in a traumatic situation any day of the week.

It was starting to hurt though.. The pain burning in your lungs, unused to running for so long, never been one for sports. You felt like the sport now, being hunted like a wild animal, technically being one now but you didn't like thinking about it. You were the only successful "test" in that lab, the others dying from complications, which made your skin crawl with bugs and needles when thinking about it. 

You could hear the shouts of the guards and dogs from way behind you, knowing you put considerable distance between the guards and you, but you also knew they'd catch up in no time. There was no sense of direction as you ran, just needing to get away from- oh shit. You force yourself to stay silent as the front of your foot paw thing snags on a tree root, tumbling down the hill before your world goes black. 


The warm sunshine hits your face, as you jolt awake and groan in pain. Reaching up to card through your silky black hair, you pull back and see blood. You must've hit your head on the way down.. Couples of tears slowly run down your face, but you don't rub them away, y'know, since there's blood on your hands. You slowly but surely get up and walk. You remember where the facility is, so you'd rather not go that way. Your ears twitch as you hear something.. it sounds faintly like a city.

It would probably be a good idea if you walked towards the city. You've heard about Anima-City, so maybe you should head there? Yea, you should probably find a way there, seeming as how you were now a cat beastman. The woods however seemed never ending. Since being in the facility, you've learned by.. Non-humane ways that you could somehow change your physical appearance. You weren't some scientist so you had no clue what the big words or actual words were for it.

You think you want to try and fly, but the damage to your head would possibly drain your energy faster. It's worth it to get away from that damned facility. Sparks of black trace your arms as they extend, forming decently sized black wings. You've only had a little practice, but you could probably get the hang of it.

Taking to the skies, you get above ye tree line and see that there is in fact, a city. About a mile past the forest and there's a giant lake that separates two cities. You know by the feeling that the city on the right is Anima-City.

Exhaustion finally kicks in and makes you stumble slightly mid-air. "God-Damnit.. not now.." You rasps slightly out of breath. You're a little surprised by your own voice. You haven't heard it since the experiments happened. You flap harder, trying desperately to make it to Anima-City before you collapse. Just as you make it to the city, you black out, and wind rushes past you as you plummet to through the buildings.

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