Chapter 2 - Unusual Days

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-(Y/n)'s POV-

Staring at the bird man that just smashed through the window with wide eyes, he makes a pained noise and gets up slowly. He dusts the broken glass and shrapnel off of his arms, then his legs. He looks around for .6 seconds and realizes he smashed his entire being through someone's window. We have a staring contest for hot few seconds before you scream and run out the door to the hall. Shirou comes out of his not a moment later in a similar black v neck shirt and darker sweats. "What happened?" He demands. "Bird! Bird man!" You yell pointing to the spare room.

He sweat drops, and looks utterly confused. Then some semblance of remembering come to him and he slams the door open. "Pingua I thought I told you to stay out of Anima-City." He growls at the bird beastman. "Sorry not sorry my friend, but I have news. It's not good either." He answers gravely. His face darkened as he told of a new building in the middle of a giant wooded area, and how they were experimenting on humans and beastmen. You felt the color from your face drain away, and felt your body shake. You knew exactly where he was talking about. "(Y/n), are you okay?." Ogami questioned me, but you couldn't hear him. It was like walking through mud or water.

Everything was muffled, and flashbacks of the horrible prickling and touching and blood.. You could barely move your body, fear gripping your chest.. It was suffocating. 

You snapped your face up to Ogami's as he stands in front of you with his hands on your shoulders. "You are safe here (Y/n). No one can hurt you here. Not while I'm around." He says. He sounds uncertain saying this. Like he's trying to convince himself that he can do this. It's not exactly reassuring, but you nod and take a deep breath.

Pingua has his head turned and eyes locked on the somehow more interesting wooded floor out of the corner of your eye. "Sorry.." You mumbled. "If I've gotten anything from that reaction, I'd say that's where you came from. Am I right or wrong (Y/n)?" Ogami questions. The energy in your body drains as you think about it, but you nod anyways. "I was taken from my family.. I don't even know if they know what happened." Pingua and Shirou share a look, and Shirou says "we need to talk to the mayor about this. It's time that you told us everything."

It was nerve wracking just even hearing about the place, but having to talk about your experience there.. that wasn't something on your to do list anytime soon. "I-I dunno.. I did just get out of there yesterday and all.." Shirou sighs "I know, but hearing about experimentation on beastmen. That's not something I can ignore." He walks out of the room, leaving you and Pingua alone. "Well what a shitstorm!" Pingua exclaims.

Michiru slams through the door spooking both of us and yells "I heard stuff and I'm in!!" You look at the tanuki, then look away. "You'd only get hurt. The less people the better."

Her ears lay flat, and she looks dejected. "I'm sorry, but I don't want anyone getting hurt. Not if I can help it.." you say as you look at the very interesting floor. Pingua looks at the both of us, unsure of what to do. The air in the room was too awkward. "W-well maybe we should talk about it and make up a plan, yes?" Pingua says after a minute. "Sounds good. I would draw a map or something of the inside.. but I don't remember much of it." "That's alright, you just need to draw out what your know."

We all head downstairs to the common room and Shirou is eating left over ham sandwiches. He looks at us, knowing we should be talking about it in a moment. As we settle down in the couches, you tell the story you never wanted to relive. "So.. I suppose you all know that there's experiments going on, on humans and beastmen." What the hell (y/n), you can't just start with such an obvious statement. You sigh and continue.

"It's not far from Anima-City, but it has guards at the entrance. I had to ride the underside of a truck to get out of there without tipping them off." You begin to draw a stick-like map of the entrance, and place the two guards at the front. "There's holding cells for humans and beastmen separately, but they're farther down, and have to guards facing the hall, and two on the side of the hall facing in." You draw those guards, and try to write out when they switch shifts. "The best time to strike would be between 11:00 and 11:30 at night, that's when they wake up the switching guards."

You start to stutter and get nervous. "Now a-as for how I got there.. I was on the subway heading h-home. I stepped out of the train and someone said "don't scream or you get it." And he poked a knife at my back." You look away, not wanting to see the eyes.. you hated when a bunch of people looked at you. "He then led me to an alley where we got into a van, t-then I uhh- got knocked on the melon and passed out. I woke up to a bunch of tubes and stuff sticking into me.. but I couldn't move.."

You stare blankly at the floor. "I could hear screaming.. there was blood on the f-floor and walls- and the m-metal table." You start shaking and tearing up. Your breath was becoming short and you felt hot and prickly. "(Y/n)." Shirou says. It cuts through your panic like a light in the dark, and you look at him. He looks like he's staring into your soul. It's a bit creepy, but it settles you quickly.

"Thanks." You mutter, dazedly looking at him. "You should rest before we go to the mayor about this. That goes for everyone." Shirou says. "Right." Everyone says in they're own tones. You shake like bacon as you get up, but you would be fine in a bit. Well that would've been true if you didn't just trip on a slightly higher floorboard, and right into Shirou's arms. "Careful." He mutters. Your face glows red as you realize how close you are to his own face. You scramble away and stutter out an apology.

By some miraculous means, you sprint up the stairs, only tripping once, and make it to your room unscathed. You could still feel his strong arms around you, protecting you.. saving you. You think it's a bit over-dramatic, but it's nice to know there's someone you can count on other than your sister. You climb into bed, thinking about the plan. You sigh, trying to get all of the anxiety and tension out just enough to fall asleep.

You feel your eyes getting heavy. From the other room, your ears pick up the words. "You totally have a crush on hiiim~" it sounds like Michiru. "Like hell I do, go back to your room and sleep before I knock you out, stupid." "No you go to sleep you old fart." She sounds like she's laughing as she leaves the room. You hear Shirou slightly before shutting your eyes and going to sleep. "If only.."

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