Chapter 3 - The Beginning

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Thank you for all the supportive comments on the first chapter. I'll try to write more often. I'll also try to make them longer. Constructive criticism is appreciated, and so are suggestions.

Slight NSFW in this chapter


-(y/n) POV-
The tension in the room the next morning was as thick as molasses. You were planning the whole operation, and it was getting stuffy. "Do.. you you guys think we should t-take a break? Maybe?.." you say meekly. the planning was taking a toll on you mentally, 

Shirou is the first to speak up, "I suppose. It's been stressful the past few hours." And with that people go their separate ways. Pingua went flying, Michiru went to see someone named Nazuna, and you were stuck with Shirou. You wondered if he was as stressed, but one glance told you. He was as cool as a cucumber. It was unnerving.

After a moment of silence for our fallen brethren, your socializing skills, Shirou speaks up once again. "You have the same powers as Michiru and Nazuna, correct?" "Uh- yes.." you say averting your eyes. "Are you planning on doing anything with those powers? Specifically anything to harm or kill other beastmen?" You look at him in shock. He's so blunt. You wondered if he's been through this before with Michiru. 

"Of course not. I'd never kill or hurt anyone. Actually I might fight someone but I can't kill someone. And I won't fight anyone who didn't deserve it." He seems cautious of your answer. That makes you sweat and think you may have said the wrong thing. He just stared at you, your face starting to burn with the fact. Nervous was an understatement, you felt like crawling into the blankets and slipping into a coma, forever.

He's just do damn intimidating, you don't know what to say. He sighs and probably understands he's scaring you. "I didn't mean it in a bad way, I did say I'd protect you. You should practice them more, just so we're prepared." Well that made sense, but still..

"A-alright.." you say in a small voice, and head up to the roof. You haven't practiced much at the facility, but you knew you could transform into mostly any animal. You were most comfortable with longer claws or faster legs, so you decided to work on wings. Feeling the air under your wings was hard, and getting a feel for it was logically easier than thinking about it from a science side.

You take a deep breath and let your arms turn into black crow-like wings. Black sparks surround the wings, and you take off. You flew circles around the Co-op building, trying to feel out the wind and currents. You see Shirou on the roof, and see a freaked out look and a warning of "Watch out!"

You snap your face forward and smack straight into a flock of seagulls. Yelling in shock, plummeting to the roof and losing control. You didn't exactly know how to handle these situations, so death it is. Shirou waits with open arms and catches your full weight as you both fall to the roof floor. Your head is on his chest, and it didn't click until you looked up and his face was a half inch away from yours. You both look at each other with blushing faces, and you scream and jump off of him. "I'm so sorry!!" You yell as you bow forward.

"It's fine.." he grumbled and look away, face still slightly red. "That's a pretty hard chest ya got there- haha." As these words spew out of your mouth, it is instant ReGreT as you scream again and yell "I-I didn't m-mean to say that!!" Your face is fully red now, and you cant handle any more embarrassment. He chuckles and walk of the roof. You just stand there, unsure of what just happened. He laughed?? Is that even possible for such a character like him? Your ears twitch, and it scares the shit out of you. You hadn't really noticed them until now. It was weird, but they felt like a natural part of you, so you paid no mind to it.

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