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Man, the world has been exhausting lately. SO I DECIDED TO MAKE A QUARANTINE SHORT. Enjoy! 

"Y/N!" Bill slapped you over the head with a rolled-up newspaper. 

"OW!" You grabbed the newspaper from him and threw it away. "What was that for?" You rubbed your head. 

"When will I able to go outside again?" Bill whined. You groaned. "Bill, I told you, I don't know." You replied. 

"Ughhh. I'm sooo bored." Bill crosses his arms. 

"Me too. What did you guys do for fun on your planet?" You asked him. 

"Oh, the usual: We did, uhh, headball. It was like volleyball, but with a human head. Then there was this really fun game called 'Chaos'. It was where we could travel to earth once a year and see who could kill the most humans in the grossest and yuckiest ways possible. I won every single year!" Bill sounded very proud of himself. 

"Uh-huh.." You nodded slowly. "Did you have any games that didn't involve.. um, torturing humans?" 

"No. Why?" Bill replied, confused. 

"Nothing." You twiddled your thumbs, looking the other way. 

You walked downstairs and turned on the TV. 

"The world is in lockdown-" 


"Police are breaking the law-" 


"Schools are closing down-"

You turned off the Television and sighed. "There's nothing good about this world anymore." You scoffed, sniffing.

"Aww, Y/N." Bill patted you on the head. "You've still got me." 

"I guess." 

You opened up spotify and began listening to relaxing music. You hummed along. Music always made you feel better when you were down. 



"You're the best dream demon a person could ever have." You smiled at him. 

Bill chuckled. "Thanks, Y/N." 

Sorry if it was short, but I needed to write something to clear my head. Hope you have a great day, and stay safe! 

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