Who was s/he?

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Eliza's POV

We shook hands and I felt a spark... weird right? I'm sure I was the only one but still I was surprised by it. I was about to stumble over my words to tell him that I had to go. But he saved me by talking first.

"By the way I'm Sam, it's nice to meet you." And added a wink at the end, wow that made my heart skip a beat.

What was this Sam guy doing to me? I wasn't supposed to be feeling these type of things after all I went through.

It's been a few moments and I hope he hasn't noticed that I've just been thinking and kinda staring at him...

"Well I guess I'll see you around Sam." Sounding more confident surprisingly out loud than in my head.

"I hope to see you again soon Eliza." he seems to say sincerely.

After that encounter I went home and watched my favorite show on Netflix, The Vampire Diaries. I know it's a little dramatic sometimes, but I like it anyway.

My mom came home at 6 as usual and by that time I had dinner cooked, spaghetti, and was already in my pajamas.

I was surprised to find myself thinking about Sam and how he had saved me from Will. The reason I wasn't totally happy was because I knew I would see Will again, since it was inevitable. When he wanted something he almost always got his way. I could usually avoid him at school for a while, but he would eventually find me and do something when I wasn't expecting it.

Sam's POV

It was now 10 o'clock at night and I couldn't fall asleep. I almost always had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, but tonight it was for a different reason. I was thinking of the mysterious girl that I had met at the mall earlier today. I really wish that she had given me her number, because at least I could talk to her and find out more.

Now all I could do was wonder, and hope to see her again soon of course.

She seemed confident and unsure at the same time if that made any sense. For certain things she knew exactly what to say, but other times she was thinking too much and tried to figure it out before the gap in the conversation was too noticeable.

What am I thinking? I've only met her once, I'm acting like I've known her my entire life.

Ugh why does this have to be so complicated? Why am I still thinking about her? She's probably hasn't even given me a second thought... when all she is doing is consuming my every thought.

When I got back to my group of friends after talking to Eliza earlier today, Jake thought that she had rejected me like he had predicted. I brushed it off and said "No, not exactly she was just busy that's all."

He had replied with "Sure, sure whatever you say. But you still didn't win her over, busy or not."

I responded by saying "If I see her again you watch and learn buddy, just watch and learn."

"Haha there is nothing to learn from you "buddy" you've barely got any experience, unlike me who gets all the ladies." wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Whatever, I would rather have long lasting relationships instead of ones that exist for two weeks and don't mean anything." I say, meaning every word.

I excused myself after that, not really feeling in the mood to hangout and just drove home after that.

That's how I ended up here in bed thinking and dreaming with my eyes open about who she was. Maybe she goes to a school near mine, I think I would have at least seen her around if she went to school where I go.

I'm tired since it's already midnight, so I think I can actually sleep. I can at least hope.

I know these updates are really short but I just update the story parts that I feel are important enough to update. happy reading! (:

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