Chapter 2 "I'm really sorry"

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POV Azula

I woke up at 6 this morning from the sun in the window. Lee Lee was sleeping back turned to said window so I don't think that she noticed. She always was a cute sleeper. She has a little snore. I really don't know why she is so nice. She deserves better friends than me. I wonder if they have coffee.

"Zula why are you awake?" Ty lee said rubbing her eyes tiredly.
"The damn sun. Oh... I'm sorry... Was that mean?" She said guilt stricken. Azula really didn't want to lose her best friend again.
"No it's okay Zula. Do you want some coffee? I can show you where it is." Ty lee said as she yawned and stretched.
"That'd be nice Lee Lee." Azula said cracking a smile.
"Okay. But we have to be quiet. If we wake Mai up she will be even more grumpy then she usually is." Ty Lee whispered leaving her room.
"Especially with me here." Azula muttered.
"Do you want some breakfast? I made some scones yesterday." Ty Lee said holding a large plate of said scones.
"Sure. Thank you." Azula said taking a scone.
"Mm hmm. Wanna sit on the couch and talk while we wait for the coffee?" She asked smiling.
Azula replied with a nod

They approached the couch and before sitting down Ty Lee hugged Azula rather tightly.

"I missed you Azula. I like that you are gonna be nicer now." She said laughing quietly.
"I missed you too Lee Lee." Azula holding Ty Lee just as close as Ty Lee held onto her. This surprised Ty Lee cause Azula wasn't the biggest hugger.

They then sat on the couch and an awkward silence preceded them. They had no idea what to say to each other. Ty Lee wasn't gonna bring up anything that would upset Azula. Azula hadn't talked to her best friend in months. So it naturally was awkward.

"So... How've ya been?" Ty Lee said to break the silence.
"I've been... Pissed off for my whole life. How about you?" Azula said in a somewhat sarcastic tone.
Ty Lee giggled at her friend's snarky comment.
"I've been good. Im really happy to see you again." She said smiling looking into Azula's eyes deeply.
"Why? I was terrible to you." Azula said looking down. She had never felt like this before. She never had the burden of guilt before.
"Azula you are a lovely person. You just... Are in pain. Mai doesn't get it either. But when I look at you I know that you see me as an independent person. Not just another one of your friends." Holding her shoulders looking at her with reassurance.

When the coffee pot was done it made a rather high pitched sound. This woke Mai. Ty Lee and Azula looked at each other before looking into the hallway. Mai stood outside of her room rubbing her eyes then spotting Azula and Mai staring. She rolled her eyes, walked into the kitchen, got some coffee then proceeded to go to her room.

"Mai can we talk please?" Azula said quietly.
"Is that an order Princess Azula?" Mai said looking her in the eye.
"I suppose not. And I'm no longer a princess Mai. You don't have to call me that anymore." She said walking closer to Mai.
"Then no." She said slamming her door in Azula's face.
"Mai come on. She is trying to talk to you and be nice. Can't you do the same?" Ty Lee said at Mai's door. She got no response from her.
"It's okay Lee Lee if she doesn't want to talk to me I guess I can't make her anymore." Azula said returning to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee.
"As long as you aren't too upset by that." Ty Lee said.
"I'm fine. Im the one that screwed everything up." She said still just feeling pretty down about how awful she was and worried still is.
"Zula we all mess up sometimes. Especially when we are sad." She said with a comforting smile that Azula was actually comforted by. She never got comfort from anywhere before. So all of these feelings were foreign at best.
"Lee Lee you are so amazing." Azula said with a grin.
"So are you." Ty Lee said quietly, lightly holding Azula's shoulder.

They got their coffee and sat back on the couch holding their scones in one hand as they took sips of coffee. Azula figured that after breakfast she would try again to talk to Mai.

Azula put her plate into their sink and walked into the hallway stopping at Mai's door.

"Azula what are you doing?" Ty Lee questioned. Azula ignored her.
She knocked on the door before jiggling the handle that was locked.
"Go away." Mai said in annoyance.
"Mai can we please talk? You don't have to say a word but I have something I want to say to you." Azula said somewhat quietly. Mai responded typically. 'Whatever' she said blandly.
"Listen Mai... I was terrible. I might still be terrible sometimes. But I genuinely want to be better. I don't have any excuse good enough to justify how mean i was. But I want you in my life Mai. I've missed you. And I'm really sorry." She said nervously waiting for a response.
She was standing for a few moments in utter silence.
The door swung open suddenly.
"This does not mean I trust you. But you are forgiven." Mai said in her monotone voice.
"Thank you Mai. I promise I won't disappoint you any more than i already have." She said smiling reaching out to Mai's hands which were cold to the touch. Mai had a slight smile looking at Azula.

"So did you to make up?" Ty Lee said walking into the hall.
"I think so. Yep." Azula said walking into Ty Lee's room.
"Yeah we are all good." Mai sais walking back into her room shutting her door.

"Lee Lee where are the towels?" Azula shouted from down the hall.
"Hold on let me grab you one. They are in the closet." She replied.
She proceeded into the closet grabbing a towel.
"Here you go." She said.

Azula showered with her clean fire nation clothes laid out nicely on Ty Lee's bed.

"Lee Lee let's go get some new clothes today. I really kinda want to burn this." Azula said pointing to her clothes.
"Yessssssss you know i love clothes shopping!" Ty Lee yelled jumping up and down.
"I know Lee Lee." She said rolling her eyes.

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