Legend of Tam Lin [contest entry + book jacket]

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My entry for the contest mahana258 is running! If you're a graphics designer, you should definitely check out her contest! Seriously!

This was awesome practice for me and I've been chipping away at it a little bit each day. Soooo glad it's done.

Also, idek what I was thinking on this one but my fairytale oriented brain saw the pregnant lady and the prompt and I was like "okay it's Tamlin, this is Tamlin

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Also, idek what I was thinking on this one but my fairytale oriented brain saw the pregnant lady and the prompt and I was like "okay it's Tamlin, this is Tamlin."

For those of you who don't know the ballad/legend of Tamlin, long story short, pretty boy Tamlin gets caught by a Faerie Queen and will die in x amount of time because reasons. Young single lady (let's call her Belle I can't remember her actual name) who's dad owns the property Tamlin happens to be trapped on finds Tamlin one day and is like:

"Oo he pretty me like."

And so Belle decides to save Tamlin and steps into the fairy ring he's trapped in and/or pulls him out of it.

But she somehow gets knocked up and its a whole thing. So Belle then has to deal with the pissed af fairy queen while somehow nine (?) months pregnant. But she saves Tamlin in the end and they all live happily ever after and all that jazz.

So the subtitle/Beyonce reference "if you liked it then you should've put a ring on it" is both a reference to Belle having a bun in the oven out of magic fae boy wedlock and the fact that the faerie Queen should've married Tamlin if she wanted to keep him around.

Tah-dah! My brain everybody. It's a weird place sometimes.

Also a note on Tamlin vs Tam Lin. Both are technically correct so I smooshed them together because the text looked cooler that way.

I also made it into a book jacket because why notttt.

This is also the first jacket I've made in like three years whoops

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This is also the first jacket I've made in like three years whoops.

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