chapter 5

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They hang out usually. Between weddings they hang out. Or they use to before.

But they hadnt seen each other in 2 weeks. 

Maybe a text here or there but when Tae would ask Jk would say he was busy with work trying to clear the 4 days theyd be in Jeju for Seokjins destination wedding. One theyd been invited to individually. Or Tae would nervously look at a dinner invite and then around his equally pressing work and groan when he had to say he was also in it at work trying to do the same clearing of his own schedule.

So Tae does a thing. Another seemingly stupid thing.

He may go on an earlier flight because hed booked his ticket months ago and knew (through numerous whining texts) Jk wasnt coming until the afternoon. He also may have upgraded his room last week and asked Jk if he wanted to share. Buzzing with excitement when Jk had answered yes within seconds.

And since hes there he might order room service for right before Jk arrives. There might even be champagne.

Hes restless after an hour. Staring at the one bed and thinking hes pushing it. Is he? He cant be the only one that couldnt stop thinking about that night, them being together. His lips, his hands, his...

Tae groans in frustration after hed already tucked his bag away and explored the extensive hotel resort and came back. All the time thinking how much more fun hed be having if Jk was there. When the room service comes he sets out the snacks and champagne on a table in the corner of the small living room area and fusses over everything. Until he looks at his watch and realizes if he wants to meet Jk downstairs he has to leave now.

Tae is not the type to be nervous around people, so he can comprehend why hes suddenly wiping sweat off his palms and gnawing at his lip. 

But then he sees him pulling his luggage out of the trunk of a taxi and a smile takes over Taes face as he slowly comes up behind him.

"Boo." He whispers near Jks ear making him jump and drop his bag.

"Jesus." Jk chuckles lifting the bag again. "Hey stranger."

"How was your flight?" Thats right. Sounds cool and relaxed he tells himself. Like nothings different.

"Usual. Old woman insisting im perfect for her sweet Sunjin." Tae smiles nodding. "I told her her granddaughter didnt have parts i was attracted to, to be like.. Subtle. She showed me a ton of pictures insisting her proportions were impeccable."

"Yikes." Tae laughs as they begin walking.

"I showed her a picture of you." He shrugs making Tae blush. 

"Howd that go over?" 

"About howd youd think." Jk smirks. "Some passive aggressive remarks about how i was too attractive to deny women of my company." Jk rolls his eyes. "Except my tattoos make me look like trouble."

Tae lets out a loud laugh pressing the button for the elevator. 

"Shes not wrong there. You are trouble." 

Hes dazzled slightly by the smile on Jks face.

The elevator ride is suddenly quiet and theres this tension thats settled between them. Tae keeps slipping small glances out of the corner of his eye and getting caught when Jk turns his whole head to smile at him. 

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