chapter 6

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Things stay this different place theyd been in. 

Holding hands more frequently and kissing and the sex. 

Tae finds that he likes it. Its easy with Jk. There isnt this pressure that hes always felt to be careening toward something but just be in the moment and not minding not really knowing what this is or what theyre doing because Jk doesnt push him. 

So even though its different its so mich the same. They taunt each other, fight each other and laugh about it.

They go to two more weddings and its fun. The dread of going and being faced with impending desperation to catch up to their friends and family isnt there. Even when Taes Dad and fiance are at a wedding its not some big thing.

"Its nice to see you at ease for once." His Dad comments. Tae just shrugs. "Really. Jk is good for you." 

Tae smiles looking at Jk playing with his soon to be step brothers. 

"He always has been." Tae agrees. "Good for me. Hed say the same things everyone else pointed out but it never felt like an attack when he said it. I can talk to him about anything and not worry about what he will think of me because he saw me even when i didnt. I dont know if that should scare me."

Taes Dad sighs rubbing his shoulder.

"We weren't judging Taehyung. We were worried." Tae looks to his father who looks kind of pained. "I thought what me and your mother did might have ruined relationships for you."

"Kind of did." Tae chuckles. "Jk use to give me shit for being a picky son of a bitch."

"He wasnt wrong." Tae smiles not minding the slight jab. He hears Jk groan loudly falling to the ground and faking death as the two young boys cheer their victory.

When they sit to eat Cindy comments on how good Jk is with the kids.

"Theyre cool." Tae watches as he smiles. The sadness thatd always be behind his happiness was gone now. Since Brian hed been sad, angry or drunk pretty constantly but now he was just happy.

"You should come to our wedding." Taes Dad announces.

"Dad hes been to sooo many." Tae tries to save him from his extended family.

"I insist." Cindy adds.

"Thats it youre coming." Tae glares at his Dad.

"Thank you. Id love to come." Tae looks at Jk and he looks genuinely pleased to be invited. 

When they are laying in Taes bed later, Jk curled up against his side as he reviews some files for THE most annoying client ever, while dragging his fingers through Jks hair, he smiles down at him when he mumbles something.

"What was that?"

"Come to my brothers wedding?" His big hopeful eyes pierce through the no that would have come out. 

"Of course. Its been a while since ive seen your parents." 

"Its in Busan." He adds like a challenge. Like an underlying test. But Taes too wrapped up in whatever this growing feeling is so he shrugs.

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