chapter 8

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Tae had no idea how to do this! How to tell someone you loved them and have it ring true! He thought about it for a week which was absolutely panic inducing. 

He settled on flowers but remembered Jk hated them because they die. So he figured out a way to have them forever. To know his love wouldnt die and it sounded cheesey but sometimes cheesey is good. 

So he work all week on a bouquet of silk tiger lilies. He chose colors he knew Jk loved and hoped hed understand. He wrote a small speech and memorized it just in case knowing theyd see each other at Yoongis wedding. 

He wore Jks favorite suit. Well he thought it was his favorite since every time he wore it Jk said he looked good without being asked. 

He was ready! Nervous of course but ready! Ready for Jk to know and having no real back up plan if it didnt end the way hed hoped. 

So he went to the wedding, bouquet in hand and ready to give his i love you so much and im an idiot for not knowing sooner speech only to nearly drop the handmade silk flowers when he saw Jk.

See hed have just walked right up to him but her was there.. Holding hands with some guy.. Not some guy. 


Hes frozen there. Watching as Jk smiles and nods at him. His heart clenches when Jk turns and sees him. Flowers clutched in his hand and gawking at them. 

Tae snaps out of it looking around for refuge only to hear Jk clear his throat.

"Hey Tae."

"Hi.. Hey.. How are you?" He wants to punch Brians smug face as he holds Jks hand. 

"Im alright. You know Brian?" He asks pointing to him. 

Of course i do! He wants to yell! You only were in tears for weeks because of him. 

He stops himself wondering how many tears hed caused and how unfair it was to make that jab. So he just give Brian a stiff nod.

"Nice flowers." Jk comments. 

"Right.. Yeah i.. I made them.. Out of silk." He gulps. "Tiger lilies."

Jk chuckles and Tae feels another tight squeeze in his chest.

"I know. I have a tattoo of one." Jk smirks just to kill Tae further apparently.

"I know." Tae nods biting his lip nervously.

"Who are they for?" 

Tae panics and spots Yoongis mother.

"Mrs. Min." He blurts out making Jk laugh.

"You hand crafted tiger lilies for Yoongis mother?"

Tae nods frantically.

"Yes! To.. To always remember today. Theyll never die." 

"Jeongguk we should head in." Brian starts tugging at Jks hand.

"It was good to see you Tae."

"Yeah.. Yeah it was good to see you too Jk." He half waves as Jk is pulled inside.

He mopes. Watching Jk and Brian at the wedding. Drinks a couple drinks and decides not to get completely shitted because who would bring him home. Everyone is WITH someone. 

In an attempt to sober up he hides in a random hallway. Pressing his forehead to the wall as he reminds himself what a stupid asshole he really is.

Why did he think Jk would be sooo gutted by him!? So completely in shambles that he wouldnt move on. Or backwards. Which is an unfair thought but Tae isnt feeling very charitable. But he knows its his own insecure fault. 

Had he just dealt with his feeling. Or understood what love was to begin with! He hits his forehead against the wall.


He straightens quickly when he hears Jks voice.

"Hey.. Man." He clears his throat.

"Are you drunk?"

"No! No im.. Im not." He rubs his throbbing forehead. Hes barely buzzed right now. Binge drinking his feeling for weeks apparently made his drinking habit expensive as fuck. 

"What are you doing?" Jk looks disgusted. Maybe worried.. Maybe Taes drunker than he thought.

"Just.. Trying to breathe a minute." Tae shrugs.

"Mrs. Min looked really happy about those flowers. It was a good idea." Jk smiles leaning against the opposite wall.

"I made them for you." Ok hes definitely drunk... And an idiot. Jks face goes blank.


"I made them to tell you something." Tae straightens up. "To tell you that real flowers might die but theae wont because they symbolize my love. And that you can keep both forever and then we were suppose to kiss and ride off into the sunset.. Or something." Tae shakes his head. The fucking sunset!?

"Thats not fucking fair Taehyung. You decided this! You cut this off." Jks jaw tenses.

"I was an idiot. I didnt understand what i was feeling because ive never loved anyone like i love you! Ive never loved anyone. Just you." Tae takes a step and Jk hold up his hand making him stop.

"Seriously. You wait until now!? Until we are together and im seeing someone!?"

"I didnt mean.."

"You never do!" Jk grits out between his clenched teeth. "Its always about what you want!" 

"No.. No i.."

"Is everything alright here?" Brian interrupts and Jk puts on a fake smile. 

"Everythings fine. Just checking on Tae. Ready?" Brian nods and Jk takes his hand walking away.

This iant what was suppose to happen. The sunset thing was stupid but hed actually hoped it would have happened. Theyd just fall into it again but knowing they loved each other. Jk hadnt even said it back.

Tae falls against the wall and slowly slides to the floor. Tears clouding his eyes and the only thing he can picture is Jk walking away with that asshole. 

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