Past Chapter 1:The Beginning

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{Karma's Pov : 10 years ago (6 years old)}

I was heading to the swings when I saw a kid being bullied on. I remember what people always tell me.

'If you see someone in trouble, always help them'

So I went there to see what's really happening.

"Hey! I-I was here first! w-wait your turn! it's first come first serve" The boy said


"T-that's not nice to say! I-I'm not a loser!...S-so wait your turn..p-please..."

"NO!! I WANT TO BE FIRST SO I WILL BE FIRST!!!" The Bully said  raising his fist to grab the poor boy but I stepped in.

"Hey that's not nice, didn't your mother always tell you to play nice? or are you a bully to her too?" I said calmly while walking in front of the helpless boy on the ground.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY PUNK?!?! I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU UP AND MAKE YOU WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!!!" The bully yelled while holding his fist up high ready to hit me but I was quicker than that,.

I punched him in the stomach making him tumble and i pushed him to the ground while punching his face. Sadly, the teacher came and saw what was happening. She got angry and scolded me

"Karma Akabane!! what are you doing beating an innocent boy?! you are in big trouble mister, wait until your parents hear about this. Go to timeout corner, No recess for you" She said

" But miss he was bullying the other-" i was cut of by her scolding. again. "THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO PUNCH A KID, KARMA!! now go to the corner NOW and think of what you've done" she said

I went to the corner and sat down putting my head down as tears swell up my eyes. I can hear whispers of other kids talking and gossiping.

I was angry. frustrated. and confuse. 

'Why did I got in trouble if I was helping someone? shouldn't the bully got in trouble? I was only defending myself and the kid, so why did i got in trouble? why-' I got  cut off by my thoughts when i heard a soft yet monotonous voice talked to me.

"hey..." she said

I looked up and i saw a fairly pretty girl with long white hair and lavender eyes. She was wearing a maroon Victorian like uniform. She had a calm yet stoic look. A kuudere if you will. She was holding a stuff cat, a strawberry pocky and strawberry milk.

"...I saw what you did earlier, you did the right least you showed that guy who's boss and save the shouldn't let people tell you what's bad and what's wrong...if you really think its right then that's you...."

I was shocked by her words but also confused

'she thinks that I'm right? but why?'

Then she started talking. "...I mean look...a villain and a hero are just the same...they both are humans, they both destroy or change the city, the only difference is one is loved by the citizens while the other is shunned. One is doing it for the people while one is doing it for once self...half of the time its not the villains fault for becoming what he turned to be...It's the people around them..."

Then it struck me .....'she was right'

"Personally, I don't care about anything in life...everything is just temporary  so why get attached....oh and I know you didn't get to have recess so here, you might be here..take it"she said blankly.

"uh...thanks...what's your name? I'm Karma Akabane" I said

she looked at me for a while then, "Yami Cho...Call me Cho" she said

"well, nice to meet you, Cho! what do you say we become friends?" I said with a grin as I stucked my hand for her to shake, she looks blankly at it for a while then smiled a little and shaked it.


(A/N lol Hi! My I'm musicalrose13 or just Nicole is fine

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(A/N lol Hi! My I'm musicalrose13 or just Nicole is fine. I just want say thanks for reading this crappy story and have a great day! Bye!)

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