Chapter 2: Assassination Attempts

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{3rd POV}

"Uhmm what is he doing?"

"I don't know, I think he's punching the wall"

"No, you're right. Karma's smack talk must have really touch a nerve"

"But what's the point of punching the wall hen his tentacle is to soft to do any damage"

Students whispers to each other as they looked at their depressed teacher that was currently punching a wall but not do any damage, hence the annoying squishy sound.

" Alright! that's enough. Could you maybe stop that?! We're trying to take a quiz here!" Okano yelled at her teacher in annoyance as his teacher stammered an apology.

meanwhile in the back row Terasaka's gang was talking to Karma- well it was more a taunt than talk.

"You sure you know what your getting yourself into, Karma? The jellyfish is sincerely pissed off at you" Terasaka taunted.

"You can't pay me enough to be in your shoes."

"If I was you I'd stay at home with my head under a pillow." 

They taunted as Karma just look at them with a smile as he talked to them.

"'course he's pissed,who wouldn't be if someone made an attempt in their life." he said "unless a would be assassins screwed up and pissed himself in the process."

"I did not pissed myself!" Terasaka said as he slammed his fist in the table, "That attitude gonna get your ass kicked-" 

"Quiet please! No noise during a quiz. Continue to talk and I will assume that you're cheating." Koro-sensei said.

'Tell that to your tentacles' The students thought as they sweat dropped.

"Koro~sensei my bad, No worries though I already finished. I'm just gonna eat this gelato if that's okay" Karma said as he pulled out a gelato from under the table. 

(A/N: My question is how did it not melt?"

"Not so fast, No eating in class." Koro-sensei started but realized who own the sweat icy treat, "Hey! that's the gelato I brought back from Italy yesterday"

'uh-oh' The students sweat dropped.

"huh? sorry? my bad, I just saw it chilling in the faculty lounge" Karma said.

"This won't do, young man. I flew to the coldest layer of the stratosphere to keep that delicious treat from melting!!" Koro-sensei exclaimed.

but Karma was having non of that, "Yeah, so what you gonna do?"  He started as he licked the gelato, "Hit me?" he smirked as he taunted.

"Of course not, I'll simply grab it back and finish what's left, thank you very much" korosensei said as he was red from anger.


Koro-sensei looked down to see anti koro-sensei B.B.s

"Anti me BBs ?!" Koro sensei exclaimed.

Karma shoots him as Koro-sensei dodges. 

"Wow that's three times in a row if you count Cho's attempt, I'm gonna pull of the same old tricks," Karma said as he pointed the gun at his teacher , "Class will get intrupted, our grades will slip, let's be straight up though, if you want this to stop you can just kill me or anyone else in this class for that matter" 

He push the treat in his teachers uniform leaving to stain and waste the delicious sweet.                   "You just gotta let go of wanting us to see you as our teacher, give us the taste of your ugly side or you can make peace with all this except I'll be the one to kill you" He said as he walked around him "here's my quiz, easy peasy" 

Assassination Classroom Love story series: Yin-Yang Duoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن