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Sometimes,all we need is just some pleasant memories. They say,living in NOW is the key to a 'lifelike' life. It's true indeed. I know,sometimes it's just not possible to live in this real world and in NOW. We often tend to lose ourselves either in some world of dreams and imaginations or,in the past. There's probably these two reasons behind this:

i) Our present reality has become hell. And thus we try to build up our own alternative reality to dwell into.

ii) Our present reality ain't that bad. But our past was better. And without somethings or,some people our NOW feels like the space.. that has millions of beautiful moons and stars,yet just void..

But sometimes,even some reasons are just reasonably unreasonable in life. There are times,when we have breakdowns and times, when we just exist in a nonexistent way. But hey,sometimes we just can't,yet we have to. Because,that's how the mechanism of life works and that's how the world keeps moving on.

Though,for a while it feels like living a 'lifeless' life,just like everything else it passes too and replaces itself with the feeling of infinity..! :)


Well,the world "life" is very ironical itself. Never expect that things will get easier. Cause "easy" is just a misperception,when it comes to life. It's you who gotta de-expect and be the one who doesn't look back even if the worst is awaiting in front of you.


We make stories inside our heads. And for some moments,we live in them. These stories are pleasant.. We don't create any tragic ending or so.. But the reality is tragic. Cause we know those are just stories.. Which are never gonna come true...


~ A :)

[A/N- Before it's too late,appreciate those who tell you the truths that you don't wanna hear..]

"Reality is,after all,too big for our frail understanding to fully comprehend. Nevertheless,we have to build our life on the theory which contains the maximum truth. We cannot sit still because we cannot,or do not,know the Absolute Truth." ~Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

Happy Independence Day to my fellow Indians! ❤❤❤

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