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Ebube by Adaezekingz

1. How did Ebu and Chisom feel when they got to Nigeria
2. What was the name of the radio station playing
3. Who did Ebu see when she entered her new room and what was the person doing
4. What was the dish Chisom said her mom used to make for her in Canada
5. Who was the person constantly calling Dora on the day Ebu came  

Hers only by birdeyze

1. Who were the first two characters               mentioned in chapter 1?
2. What did Misty stole and from where?
3. How did Lisa describe Erin in chapter.      2?
4. What relationship did Misty share.             with Dustin?
5. Name the antogonist and tell what he      or she wants.

Please leave your answers as a single comment.

The first member to answer all the questions correctly will be getting the book of the week.


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