First Kisses

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The classes continued with a similar fashion – introductions, sitting down and you know what was extremely eerie? All the

Shadowhunters were in her classes. Sophie told her that the Shadowhunters persuaded the receptionist to put them in the same class, always. Unfortunately, they were Tessa's and

Sophie's classes.

Well, Tessa said persuaded the receptionists, though Sophie was convinced the Shadowhunters compelled them.

Tessa was extremely lucky, though, to have Sophie as her guide throughout school. It was the block before lunch – History.

"Miss Trudy is a young, blonde woman who just got out of university and is working here. She used to be a student here – so she's rich and pretty. Thankfully, she's not an airhead,

or else she wouldn't be working here," Sophie said, leading her through the once again crowded hallways. "Miss Trudy actually has brains and three quarters of the male population

in this school is in love with her," Sophie scoffed. "But she's engaged to someone else. It made all the boys cry," Sophie smirked. "Boo hoo."

"Don't you feel bad for them though? I mean if they're in love with her…" Tessa started, but Sophie held up one hand.

"They're crushing on a woman they barely know because she's pretty. I have no sympathy."

Tessa rolled her eyes as Sophie continued to saunter through the hallways. "History is a class that actually teaches on the first day – so you'll need the textbook. Miss Trudy is

actually a good teacher, one of my favourites. Go to your locker quickly and meet me at class. Your locker is actually part of the group of lockers just outside her class. I have no

idea how you got them. A lot of boys make requests to have your locker. And… once you see your locker buddies, you'll believe me that the Shadowhunters really do compel the

staff," Sophie said, narrowing her eyes.

Tessa giggled at Sophie's expression before heading off.

"1210… 1211… 1212… 1213…" Tessa stopped.

There was a boy, leaning against her locker door talking to another girl. The girl was wearing the school skirt – that looked way too tight. She didn't wear stockings either, so long

tan legs were exposed. The top few buttons of her white blouse was undone so that Tessa could see a glimpse of a lacy red bra. And since the white blouse looked half see­through,

and the girl was not wearing a blazer over it, she looked like an absolute…

Tessa shook her head. She didn't use those kinds of language and it wasn't polite or kind to judge someone before you met them.

But the boy wouldn't move as he talked to the girl, using a slim hand to push a strand of red hair back from the girl's face. Tessa coughed, but the boy wouldn't move.

Tessa caught of a glimpse of the boy's hand – which was adorned with a blue ring. It was beautiful and Tessa could see a great heron engraved on it, spreading its majestic wings.

The boy had messy black hair, as dark as midnight and it struck Tessa.

Black hair. Flirting with another girl. A ring with a heron on it. A great heron.

The boy in front of her was William Herondale. Heron – meaning of course, a heron. Dale – meaning great. William Herondale even had a crest!

Tessa coughed louder, but nope. William Herondale stayed focus on the girl. His head was slightly drooped down – making it obvious that he was staring at… the girl's chest.

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