Prologue: Tensions & Trenches

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Trinity checkpoint, East Katesia. November 24th, A year before the fall.

"Together in this bright evening, full of spotlights, vehicles and cheerful political leaders, we shall see the re-opening of the Trinity checkpoint, where citizens of this divided country shall see each other again for the first time in more than 45 years of civil war! We all should celebrate this eventful evening..." -The Violet News Broadcast

"Ahhhh... Yes... So what would happen to the borders, may I ask?" The reporter asked the general of East Katesia. "We successfully established a peace contract, therefore the border will open for West Katesia for the first time after forty-five years of war and fear, we wish to continue this peace and reunite the Katesia Empire!" Everyone watching the television also cheered while the media broadcasted live the border opening ceremony.

The general shouted the words and waved his hands around as the huge crowd cheered. "Let us wish this is finally the peace and prosperity we are waiting for, at last, no more war and famine! We should all celebrate this unforgettable night!" everyone cheered even louder. "That is quite true indeed, Gener-"


A gun-shot rang out across the border walls, the sound reflecting and hitting the crowd like a thunder. Cries and screams soon echoed through the crowd after a brief moment of confusion.

"It is an assassin!" "Get him!" "Don't let him escape!!"

"He just shot the general! Get the medics!!"

The entire crowd started to panic as teams of riot-polices charged towards the cloaked person, who was running away at full speed. The small group of authorities, who was guarding the front gate chased after him. It was impossible to escape in this situation.

Bzzt, BAM! BAM!

The cloaked person fell after being mortally wounded by the charge gun. He collapsed on to the ground, but still attempted to crawl with what was left of his energy, which ended in utter failure as the squadron captain restrained him with a handcuff gun, fired from more than ten meters away. He would either be dead from the excessive blood loss or locked away into a prison, left to rot.

An ambulance drifted on the dirt road with high speed and did a sudden stop beneath the monstrous wall of the Trinity checkpoint as paramedics rushed out of the backdoor to bring the wounded general onto the van for Deep MEDI treatment.

"This is quite the unexpected, whoever planned all of this should end up in hell, don't you think, everyone? We finally have peace but those on the other side of the wall CLEARLY DIDN'T WANT IT, ISN'T IT, EVERYONE?" The reporter shouted at the audiences through the television as hundreds of thousands of people watching the live media coverage all shouted yes, their hands rising into the air, grasping tightly, full of rage, as the peace they looked for reduced to dust again.

"We are sorry, but the opening for the West Katesia border will be postponed due to an assassination attempt on the eastern Katesia's general, conflicts between the two countries may rise again because of this incident. It is speculated that this broken country may start a civil war again due to this spark." The reporter of  the news media spoke, as people across the globe watched the conflict, in the trenches where war is ready to start again, or over the seas whom various organizations dismissed the conflict as a mere piece of chess on a board.

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No one wanted peace anyway.

The assassination attempt is just another excuse to continue the war against West Katesia, to conquer it once and for all, while causing the global tension to rise, while no one dared to stop it. Calling it justice when it is revenge and blaming it on others. What do they even desire to do such a thing? It's simple: Someone is controlling from above.

Who is it, then? From the captain, to the regional overseer, to the supreme leader, to the other countries, then finally to something we will never ever comprehend through all of our senses and feeling.

"Such a shame, we hope this conflict between these two countries will end one day."

"Yes, John, but it might as well remain the same even if it did reunite. Now let us get to the next part of our news..."

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